The social partners will meet again on 25 January. This has already been posted… and what remains to be decided.

It is to be expected. The negotiation on unemployment insurance, such as professional training, is a bag of knots. But it is a topic on the social partners seem to find a relative consensus: the unemployment benefits for resigning.

THE RECAP: the Reform of unemployment insurance: five issues of the negotiation

The trade-offs lead to obey mainly to budget issues. “Some who have resigned will not cost the unemployment insurance because of the rotation that will carry on their position with the compensated unemployed people,” explains Denis Gravouil, negotiator CGT. On the other hand, some people who quit already today, without compensation to the key, will enter in the system.”

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last Thursday, the Unédic came to their present quantities from the device, depending on the assumptions of government: compensation for six or eight months only, cap allocations granted… a single block, trade unions and employers have rejected these elements. They do not want the rights less.

VIDEO, > > unemployment Insurance for workers: a promise trompe l’oeil?

They have asked, for their negotiation session on 25 January, new estimates based on the amounts and duration of compensation for non-cropped. They also have claimed that are incorporated in the calculations various scenarios based on the criteria of access to benefits.

The professional project as pre-requisites

“For the invoice to be less salty, the idea is indeed to play on the conditions of entry,” explains Michel Beaugas, FO. The existence of a professional project as a pre-requisite puts everyone of agreement. And Unédic have the means to estimate, at least roughly, the population potentially concerned by such resignation for conversion, by performing extrapolations from the figures on the creation and the resumption of business, on the individual training leave (CIF), etc.

Since the beginning, the Medef argues in favour of a very restrictive, almost as an experiment, arguing that it is easier to extend the conditions of entry in a second time, than the reverse. He fears the effects of the bargain: that some unemployed people decide to take it easy, paying a sabbatical leave at the expense of the system.

TACTICAL >> unemployment Insurance: the government opens negotiations, but already has a plan B

The CRT also is afraid of windfall effects, but of a different nature. She fears the resignations forced, not hesitating to make the parallel with what is being observed, today, in the framework of the contractual termination: a peak of the curve, at the age of 59 years, proving that some seniors are kindly pushed towards the exit. The existence of a professional project is a bulwark against these abuses.

skills Training, or entrepreneurship

This 25 January, the social partners will discuss the best way to validate the project of the person. To engage in skills training is part of the criteria mentioned. The tips in professional development (CEP), which is located at the Pôle emploi, Apec, the Fongecif and Agefiph, could validate the approach.

the disappearance of The individual training leave (CIF) in the program of the reform of the training, comes crashing in to the negotiation. “No question of accepting, for example, that the CIF will be maintained only for employees who have resigned,” warns Denis Gravouil, negotiator CGT.

logically, for the intentions of creation or resumption of business, other actors than the CEP, the more skilled in entrepreneurship, should intervene.

The CGT, whose FO has followed suit, will be arguing also that be added to the list of resignations legitimate the fact that an employee will break the trial period. Today, only a breach of the contract at the initiative of the employer provides access to allowances.

Quack in view of the contracts short

The social partners have to this day, in addition to unemployment for workers, address the issue short-term contracts. The Medef comes up with its proposals. For the employers, the challenge is to avoid the imposition of a bonus-malus by the government. He is totally opposed to this system rewarding financial assistance to businesses the most virtuous of their sector, and penalizing the less wise.

The branches, loaded in the latest unemployment insurance agreement from April 2017, the floor on the subject, have until now is evidence of immobility. “If the document of the employers do not present sanctions for those not negotiating, that we will not”, to be contrasted from the outset, Eric Courpotin, trader CFTC, in the beginning of the week.

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In the CGT, we insist on a point: no question that the negotiation on the contracts short, only occurs in the branches of medico-social, hotel-café-restaurant and acting, the most users. “It is absurd not to look at all sectors, writes Denis Gravouil. and more And more it has no sense to consider the branch’s acting, which by its nature, uses short-term contracts. It is necessary to report it to the user area where the outsourcers.” The meeting takes place at 15: 30, the Medef.