at the end of appointment bilateral with Myriam El Khomri, the leaders of the CFTC, the CFDT and the CGPME are said to be ready to resume negotiations on unemployment insurance, which had resulted in failure last June. But the disagreements persist.
Ready to get back around the table? Then, in June last, they found their failure, many trade unions and the CGPME and the UPA (craftsmen) say they want to resume talks on the thorny topic of unemployment insurance. It is clear from the meetings bilateral between the minister of Labour and the social partners. After François Asselin (CGPME), Philippe Louis (CFTC) and Laurent Berger (CFDT) yesterday, it must meet the Unsa this Thursday and, during September, the Medef, CGT and FO.
Do not pass the baby to the State
On the subject of unemployment insurance, the objective of the social partners is clear: keep the hand. Before the fiasco of the consultation, the government has initially decided to extend the existing convention. If unions and employers do not resume their discussions, this will be up to him to define the new rules of compensation of the unemployed. Hazardous to a few less than the presidential election.
“We are ready to negotiate, to get back around the table and try to move forward for there to be a compromise. It will always be better than spending the hand” to the State, said Philippe Louis, president of the CFTC, at the end of his meeting with Myriam El Khomri. An opinion shared by François Asselin: “pass the baby to the State doesn’t suit us”, he also launched at the end of his meeting with Myriam El Khomri…
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According to Philippe Louis, the minister is of the agreement “because it supports the ideas of parity and the fact that this negotiation remains in the hands of the social partners”,-he assured, taking the view that on this issue, “it is more of a blocking policy on the part of the Medef.” The refusal of the employers ‘ organization to discuss a possible increase of taxation on short-term contracts had been a real stumbling block.
“The CFDT is ready to resume negotiations,” said its secretary general, Laurent Berger. But for that there has to be a willingness of employers. This will employer, it can’t be “we do not move anything on the dues on a sliding scale of employers and diminishes the rights of the unemployed”” because in this case, “there will be no resumption of negotiations. But in any case, it would be much better to bring life to the ideas of parity, rather than staying in postures such as the fact that today the Medef”.
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everyone agrees on one point: the organization headed by Pierre Gattaz is responsible for the failure. Will this be sufficient to reach an agreement? Not so sure. The social partners must “face the reality principle that is the hole of Unédic” (which manages the unemployment insurance scheme), said François Asselin. The CGPME’s “talking of resolve the only issue of the deficit. Unemployment insurance this is first and foremost the protection of people who do not have work, before being in a logic-only budget as some of the leaders of employers”, he replied indirectly, Laurent Berger. The leader of the small bosses also insisted: the negotiation is to “avoid” any “exposure to the media” in order to “prevent any static on the line. It starts badly.