The government is preparing to take a shot of a plane on the compensation of executives in the context of the reform of unemployment insurance which should be unveiled on the 17th of June.

We’ll know in the next few days what sauce the executives at the unemployment will be eaten. But there is little doubt that the government will pass a shot of a plane on their compensation, in the framework of the reform, which should be unveiled on the 17th of June.

the Argument put forward by the ministry of Labour ? “We must take better account of the capacity objective and each other to find a job.” With an unemployment rate fell to 3.3 %, white-collar workers do not have any more excuse not to quickly return to a post…

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The high income would be the main profiteers of the regime Unédic ? The numbers say but the opposite. Of the approximately 2.7 million benefit recipients compensated by the end of 2017, only 5.2 per cent perceived, prior to their registration with Pôle emploi, a net monthly wage in excess of 3 000 euros. In addition, employees who earn a decent living (at least the ceiling of the social security, that is, 3 377 € gross monthly) contribute more to unemployment insurance than they receive : they weigh for 45 % in revenues and 21 % in spending.

Degressivity of the allowances

arguments that have not convinced, if we are to believe the leaks. Because the executive seeks both symbols… and sources of savings for a plan in debt to the tune of 35 billion euros. To encourage executives to leave unemployment more quickly, rue de Grenelle examines the three levers. The most tempting ? The degressivity of the allowances beyond a certain amount, probably between 3 000 and 4 000 euros. Without a doubt, levels, sparing part of the seniors. A good idea ? “All the researchers agree that tapering off is not a good tool. And it is very costly in terms of well-being for those who, having struggled to find a job, suffer it,” says Francis Fontaine, professor at the Paris School of Economics.

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The other two options ? The lowering of the compensation limit (now set at 6 636 euros net per month) and the reduction of the allowance received (currently equal to 57 % of the gross salary (prior). If the first lever would bring not much – it might even degrade the accounts if it reduces in parallel the contribution limits -, the second would lead to big savings.

The reform of unemployment insurance in three questions

• The gradual reduction, this is new ?

No. In 1992, the Unédic, the edge of the financial abyss, had already taken action. At the time, the measure had a strong impact on the accounts, but not on behaviour. In Europe, some countries practice : Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and the netherlands.

What about the bonus-malus ?

This is the other flagship measure of the reform. The executive wants to empower employers by penalizing those who abuse short-term contracts (CDD and interim). The principle : modulate the contribution of unemployment insurance. Dispatched in 40 industry sectors, companies will be compared to each other. Those that promote stable employment, paying less than accrued Unédic, those who abuse the precarious work more.

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When will the reform ?

probably after the summer, and by steps. It will affect the new entrants into the scheme : those who already receive a stipend will continue to be compensated according to the old rules.