the new rules of The unemployment come into force from the 1st of November. Review details of the main changes.

[EDIT] The decrees outlining the new contours of the unemployment insurance that we described in the article below were published in the official journal on July 28, 2019. The first decree stipulates the new rules will be phased in from 1 November 2019, as stated in the article below, as well as the contours of the bonus-malus contracts short which will be put in place in 2021. The second details the conditions of entitlement to unemployment for workers and the self-employed.

One now knows in detail the future plan of unemployment insurance. The social partners have been at the end of last week the three projects of the decree that will lay down the rules of operation. Meeting this Tuesday, they will say without doubt that the evil they think, on the employers ‘ side as on the trade union side. But their opinion will have little weight, the government has already announced its intention to go at the end of the reform.

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The new convention will enter progressively in application, and it will be employees (or independent) who will lose their job from the 1st of November. Others will continue to benefit from the previous rules.

1. A duration of the affiliation hardened

to qualify For an unemployment benefit, it would now be necessary to have worked 130 days or 910 hours) in the last 24 months (36 months for more than 53 years). It had up to then account for 88 days (or 610 hours) over the course of 28 months.

effective date : November 1, 2019

2. The calculation of the allowance changed

The amount of the compensation has also been reviewed. To calculate the daily wage of reference, we will now account for all days worked or not worked, included in the membership period. If you are earning 100 euros per day, working one day on two, your daily salary of reference will therefore be 50 euro. And not more than 100 euros, as in the previous system, which were considered as days actually worked.

effective date : April 1, 2020

3. Degressivity of the allowances for high income

from the 183rd day of compensation, either at the end of six months, the beneficiaries of unemployment insurance will see their allocation reduced by 30%. But this “coefficient of degressivity” will not affect everyone : it will only apply to those who receive at least 84,33 € daily allowance gross, in other words who earned in excess of 4500 euros gross per month before losing their jobs. The measure does not apply to beneficiaries who, upon their registration with Pôle emploi, will be aged at least 57 years.

effective date : November 1, 2019

4. The rights-rechargeable limited

The recipients, which alternate between work and unemployment will still be able to, when they have exhausted their rights Unédic initial, the “reload”. But to receive it, you will need to have worked at least 130 days or 910 hours) in the last 24 months, as for a first admission. Until now, it was enough to have worked 150 hours to recharge its rights.

effective date : November 1, 2019

5. The case of employees who have resigned holders of a project

It was one of the campaign promises of Emmanuel Macron. Employees who leave their employment to carry out a professional project (conversion, creation or resumption of business) will be able to benefit from the unemployment insurance. To be eligible, you need to have worked 1300 days in the last 60 months, or five years without any interruption.

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The right to allowance shall be subject to the approval of a joint committee regional employment centre, in which are the trade unions and the employers. This commission will validate the character “real and serious” the professional project : his “consistency”, the “relevance” of the training possibly provided for, the financing, the “prospects” of employment or activity. In case of refusal, the project owner may exercise a “recours gracieux”. Note that it is not intended to refer to the commission before he resigned, which should deter one from embarking on the adventure.

effective date : November 1, 2019

6. A safety net for the self-employed workers

The self-employed workers will now be able to benefit of a safety net as unemployment insurance. They will be able to touch 26,30 € daily allowance of 800 euros per month on average) during 182 days (six months). However, the conditions for eligibility are very strict. To be eligible, it must be that the plaintiff company was placed into administration, receivership or liquidation. And that it can justify “a self-employed activity for a minimum period of uninterrupted two years under a single and msame company”. In addition, it will be necessary that its revenues exceed eur 10 000 per year (on average) over the past two years prior to bankruptcy or liquidation. What limit very seriously the number of beneficiaries.

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effective date : November 1, 2019