The plenary session of Congress this week will debate a non-legal proposal of the PP in which, among other points, it calls for the repeal of the recently approved Housing Law and also the implementation of an “anti-occupation” plan that allows evictions in a within 24 hours.

The PP registered its proposal even before the Housing Law entered into force last Thursday. He defends its repeal because he considers that it includes “interventionist and dirigiste measures contrary to individual freedom” and that it will contract the supply of the housing market.

The non-legal proposal does not have normative status, so that if the Lower House approves the initiative of the ‘populares’, said repeal or any of the other measures included in the proposal would not be carried out, but simply urges the Government to do it.

In the opinion of the PP, the families that own two or more homes have been “horrified” by the new law. To defend this thesis, the ‘popular’ refer to ‘squatting’ and also ‘inquiokupation’, a concept that refers to the tenant who lives for rent but does not pay his dues.

The Popular Group understands that the owners “can be imposed all kinds of obligations” if their second home, not the first, is located in an area defined as stressed and that leaves them “defenseless” in the cases mentioned above. All of this, they denounce, lengthens the release procedures and “makes it difficult for the legitimate owners to recover their occupied homes.”

In line with this, the PP also includes a specific point to present, within a maximum period of one month, an ‘anti-occupation’ bill that allows eviction within 24 hours from the request if the occupants of the property do not prove it within said period the legal title that legitimizes the permanence in the property. They also ask that the penalties for the crime of usurpation be reinforced with up to three years in prison.

With its proposal, the PP wants to temporarily recover the deduction for the acquisition of a habitual residence so that families with incomes of less than 60,000 euros can compensate for the increase in the mortgage payment due to the rise in the Euribor.

Likewise, and as they have defended on other occasions, they propose to promote a State Pact for Housing with the main objective of facilitating access to housing for young people, with both rental and purchase aid, in order to close the emancipation gap that exists with respect to the European Union.