Muriel Pénicaud has presented its long-awaited reform. Training rights in euro, purchase via a mobile app… the focus is on the employees.
She even spoke of a “big bang” to describe the magnitude of anticipated changes in the field of vocational training. In retailer, on Monday 5 march, the measures chosen, Muriel Pénicaud thus knew that the waiting was great. If the term “big bang” may seem disproportionate, the reality of changes on the horizon, it is very real. After the criticism, the minister has taken up several recommendations made by the national interprofessional agreement (ANI) signed by the social partners on 22 February last. But she wants to go further and “transform the system”.
500 to 800 euros paid on the CPF of employees each year
A transformation of the first philosophical. Training should become a “right of the individual and personal”. With the personal account of training (CPF), in force since 1 January 2015, employees already have an account in their name allowing them to accumulate benefits and hours for training.
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Now, the employees will not receive more hours of training, but financial capital. Each year 500 euros will be paid on the CPF of the employees, with a ceiling of 5,000 euros. People with no or low qualifications will be 800 euros per year with a maximum of 8000 euros.
For fixed-term employees, the account will be credited on a pro rata basis, but not for part time, who have as many hours as the complete time..
The government assumes this monetization, which he considers “more cocrète and more readable”. “This enables the employees to know exactly what training they are entitled, explains the minister. And it is more fair.” Notice that the social partners do not share.
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If they have decided in their ANI to increase the quota of hours granted in the CPF, they have always struggled against the unit change. “Today, when you have 100 hours on your CPF, you will take them, without having to worry about cost, reports Michel Beaugas, FO. Tomorrow, this will not be the case.” “With the monetization, it gives an amount to the person, and we told him ‘make do’, ” says Catherine Perret, the CGT. If the training you need to be more expensive, borrow or save money. In the end, this system reinforces inequality.”
Fearing also to a weakening of the rights of employees, the CFDT, called, during the consideration of the bill, to the organization of a “strong regulations the system so that this is not the case”.
An app to choose your training
The government maintains that reform goes in the direction of individuals and it protects the most vulnerable, in particular by simplifying the journey for getting an education. The creation of a new mobile application, scheduled for next year at the earliest, should allow each individual to “steer” the course of his career.
the Objective of this new system: create a “direct link” between the individual and the organization in charge of the training. Available credit, training, potential, opportunities of courses… All the information will be gathered on this site. It will also be possible to pay online the internship without going through any intermediary.
Until now, the joint bodies approved collectors (Opca), gave the green light and were in charge of the regulation. In order not to leave the future trainees completely helpless in the face of the magnitude of offers, opinion of people already formed and information such as the rate of insertion, the salaries will be put in line, promises the government. A comparison of costs will also be possible. “He must live with his time,” said Muriel Pénicaud about this future digital tool…
With this simplification, the government wants to increase the number of CPF. Has the date of march 4, 2018, 5 700 373 accounts CPF have been opened and 1 378 503 training have been funded through the CPF. The average duration of training reached 335 hours. the BULATS and TOEIC, two tests of English are in the lead of the qualifications selected in the framework of the CPF.
The Caisse des dépôts et consignations, already in charge of the personal account of training, sees his role expanded. “It will inform employees and applicants for employment, maintain meters, and will implement the payment once the training is done, says Michel Yahiel, director pensions and solidarity to the Fund.
For the training courses longer, the government plans, in the right line of the ANI signed by the social partners, to set up a CPF said transition. Replacing the CIF (individual training leave), this “CPF” transition must allow employees who want to perform a long training but who do not have the sufficient funding to see their account be confirmed, after the approval of a joint committee. It is a priori, the new instance “France” skills which will be responsible for the choice of folders.
The individuals will not be left to fend for themselves. The council on professional development will be enhanced. It will allow employees and job seekers to assess their skills, define their professional project and to be informed about thethere are different formations possible.
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The State takes the lead and reduces intermediaries
the Other change major: governance and financing of the whole system of continuing education are completely reviewed. The government wants to change the era and put an end to the monopoly of Opca, the joint bodies approved collectors. Deemed “too complex” and “too opaque”, the number of Opca (now twenty), should be reduced by half, to leave only “one per industry”. They are going to mostly be dispossessed of their main mission and history: the collector the money of the training. Now, this will be the Urssaf who will care for them.
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Renamed the “operators” skills, the future ex-OPCA for the purpose of funding the CFA, to think of the future business of the branch and to co-construct the degree. At the top of the pyramid, the State takes the role of watchdog with the creation of the agency “France” Skills that will include also the regions and the social partners. Charge to this agency and to ensure the quality, certification and cost of the various formations.
“With this agence France Skills, the social partners will have folding seats but it will not be the decision-makers, regrets Jean-François Foucard (CFE-CGC). In this kind of instance, it is always the public that decides.”
More money for the training of TPE
In terms of funding, the contribution paid by the companies remains at the same rate: 1.23% of payroll for businesses up to 10 employees and 1.68% for the other. but part of this money will now be directly signposted to the most small businesses (less than 50 people) so that the budget is not captured only by large corporations and that SMALL SMES do not rest on training.
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personal Account of training
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This is for when? The main measures will be taken, with those of the learning and unemployment insurance, in the draft law “for the freedom to choose their career orientation”, which should be presented at the council of ministers in mid-April. In fact, the changes are not expected to occur before 2020.