Vox has started a collection of signatures against the Government of Pedro Sánchez as a preamble to the great demonstration that it has called for next November 27 in the Plaza de Colón in Madrid and in front of all the Town Halls of Spain.

After the Government’s announcement to eliminate the crime of sedition from the Penal Code, Vox has launched a machinery of institutional, judicial opposition and also in the streets. This call for citizen mobilization will have its first version this Saturday in Barcelona and next Sunday throughout Spain.

At the same time, the party led by Santiago Abascal has started a collection of signatures –on a website called ‘’–. “Sign and go to the demonstration to stop the betrayal,” he encourages his affiliates and supporters.

Vox denounces “the collusion and embrace” between the PSOE government and the parties “that seek to fragment Spain” while “separatism advances in its objectives without brake.” All this because Sánchez has granted “all kinds of advantages to the separatist coup plotters” lying “continuously” to the Spanish, according to the complaint.

“Finally, this has triggered pardons and the claim to repeal the penalties for secession and embezzlement – he laments -. Enough already! Institutional weakness will only cause criminals to repeat their crimes in the future.”

Abascal has also encouraged the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to present a motion of censure against the head of the Executive and has warned that he will take the reform of the Criminal Code that comes out of Parliament to the Constitutional Court.