The Vox deputy Ignacio Gil Lázaro has insisted this Wednesday on claiming the “honor” of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) in the face of what he considers a “betrayal” of the Government with the dismissal of Paz Esteban as director. “I did not know that the men and women of the CNI had chosen you as a union representative,” responded the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, who has also demanded that Vox “not patrimonialize” Spain because “Spain belongs to everyone”.

Gil Lázaro and Robles have starred this Wednesday in a new ‘scuffle’ in the control session of the Government in Congress on account of the ‘Pegasus case’ and the change in the direction of the CNI approved by the Council of Ministers.

The Vox deputy believes that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez has “betrayed” the center and Robles became part of that “shepherd” when he signed Esteban’s dismissal, causing “very serious and unfair reputational damage” to the Spanish intelligence services .

In the face of these attacks, Robles has recalled his continuous words of support for both the members of the CNI and those of the Armed Forces, but Gil Lázaro has insisted on vindicating his “honor and glory” in the face of the “humiliations” that, in his opinion, they suffer.

“When the homeland is sold and yielded to enemies, honor is lost, and that stain is never cleaned,” warned the Vox parliamentarian, who believes that Spain must be “rescued” from “the felony and vileness” of this Government and Vox will do so “very soon” through the polls.

“The men and women of the CNI do a serious, rigorous, quiet job, they commit their lives; things that you do not do, that you do nothing more than come here to give rants”, Robles has censored, who has asked for “respect” for those who ” they risk their lives every day” and has rejected Vox’s “crisp speech”.

As he has argued, that is not the climate that the Spanish like, who want “peace, harmony and dialogue.” “We have many threats in the world, they are the ones who put their lives at risk and not you who come exclusively to show off,” the minister insisted to Gil Lázaro, pointing out risks such as the war in Ukraine, jihadist terrorism or cybercrime.