The formation asks to separate the four magistrates considering that they have been able to “form criteria against due impartiality”
Vox has presented this Thursday before the Constitutional Court (TC) an appeal against the reform of the Criminal Code that included the suppression of the crime of sedition and the reform of the embezzlement while recusing the president of the body, Cándido Conde-Pumpido, and magistrates Juan Carlos Campo, Laura Díez and María Luisa Segoviano “because of their links with the Government”.
The party led by Santiago Abascal has presented a recusal letter that focuses on Conde-Pumpido’s stage as State Attorney General “during the PSOE mandate.” Specifically, they point to him for “having held a public position with which he has been able to form criteria to the detriment of due impartiality.”
But, in addition, the formation considers that the now president of the TC would have been “defender or representative of one of the parties or intervene in a lawsuit as a prosecutor.” They also consider that Conde-Pumpido would have “participated directly or indirectly in the matter that is the subject of the lawsuit.”
Regarding the former Minister of Justice Juan Carlos Campo, Vox points out that he has “been denounced by one of the parties due to the complaint” filed by the party itself “against Pedro Sánchez and the rest of the Government for the preparatory acts to commit a crime of rebellion “.
They maintain that, in addition, Campo could “have a direct or indirect interest in the lawsuit or cause.” “Because we are appealing the law that his former colleagues in the parliamentary group have approved,” he details the formation in a press release.
Vox, which considers that Campo “has been able to form criteria to the detriment of due impartiality”, also points to the “marriage bond or assimilable factual situation and the relationship by consanguinity or affinity” due to the “relationship that unites him with Meritxell Batet, president of the Congress of Deputies”.
In relation to Laura Díez, the party indicates her for “having held public office, employment or profession, having participated directly or indirectly in the matter that is the subject of the lawsuit, due to her status as a high position in the Ministry of the Presidency and being trusted personnel of the minister Felix Bolaños”.
Finally, Vox challenges María Luisa Segoviano for her statements “while she was an emeritus magistrate of the Supreme Court.” Specifically, when she referred to self-determination in the following terms: “This is a very complex issue, extremely complex. It is a subject with many edges that must be studied.”
In addition to the aforementioned recusal letter, the party has gone to the guarantee court this Thursday to appeal the legal reform that repealed sedition and modified embezzlement. In the opinion of the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, these changes imply “a covert pardon of a massive and general nature”, two things that are “expressly prohibited”.
“Today the sedition reform culminates in the government’s fraud against the Spanish, a fraud that is the culmination of the government’s process of lies through which it came to power and that it also does to stay in it by agreeing with corrupt and coup plotters. “Abascal has assured in statements to the media.
The party leader has criticized in front of the doors of the TC that the Executive has “trampled on the Constitution for the umpteenth time”, making it ugly that the Government has granted “covert pardons” for people who have committed “crimes against the administration of the State”.
“We went to the TC fulfilling our obligation but with skepticism. We are not naive nor do we want to deceive the Spanish because this is Vox’s number 46 resource, but it is Vox’s number 2 in the era in which Sánchez has already assaulted the TC “, has held.