The price of the electricity regulated go up, but gas will fall again. And waiting for the sales, don’t forget your tax declaration !

developments in regulated prices of energy have often taken a character feuilletonnesque in recent years. A new episode is played on 1st June with a significant increase in the price of electricity. We should still hear about it in the coming months, as the two associations of consumers, CLCV and UFC-That to Choose, are planning to enter the Council of State about it. What else is new for your budget and your efforts in this month of June ? Tour of the horizon.

+ 5.9% for rates blue electricity

As 25 million households, you have kept the ‘blue’ tariff for your electricity, so the regulated rate ? It increases of 5.9% inclusive of VAT on the 1st of June (an increase of 7.7 % excluding taxes). The Commission of energy regulation (CRE) has called this increase in early February.

READ ALSO >> Electricity : a “historic high” contested by the associations

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She had come into force earlier, but faced with the movement of the yellow vests, the government has used the three-month statutory period available to it to freeze the price until the beautiful days.

Gas regulated : new lower prices

by 0.5%. This is the average reduction of regulated tariffs, excluding taxes, of gas, held by approximately 4 million households. In detail, it will be – 0.2% for those who use gas for cooking, – 0.3% for a dual-use heating and hot water, 0.5% for households heating with gas.

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total Decrease of the average tariff over the last five months : 4.1 per cent. Note that since the 1st of February, the classic formula of indexation is no longer applied, the government has requested the end of 2018 to Engie to undertake special operations coverage on the wholesale markets to ensure that prices do not wish to climb up to the summer.

More than a few days to report your income 2018

The deadline to return the income tax return paper (may 16) is now exceeded, as well as that of the online reporting for departments n° 1 to 49 (21 or 28 may). On the other hand, you are not late if you live in a department with a number greater than or equal to 50 : you still have until Tuesday, June 4, to put you in good standing.

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The declaration of IFIS (tax on the real estate asset, which was replaced in 2018 ISF, impôt de solidarité sur la fortune) is carried out at the same time as the income. Your tax 2019 will then be available in your particular space of the site of taxes between 24 July and 7 August if you have nothing to pay or collect a refund, a frequent occurrence because of the year for white relating to the introduction of the levy at source, or between 29 July and 7 August if you have an amount to pay.

child Custody : a double collection

You use a child care home ? At the end of June, you will be, as it was already the end of may, taken two months of expenses, due to a modernisation of the service Pajemploi. Now, your social security contributions are deducted from your bank account two days after the declaration of the hours worked, compared to about two months now. A measure which will facilitate the keeping of the accounts, but which, during two months, to pay two months of expenses at the same time (sampling at the end of may of the contributions due for march and may, end of June for those due in April and June).

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parents employing a maternal assistant are not affected.

Soon balances…

It is Wednesday, June 26 to begin the summer 2019, in stores as on the Internet. They will end six weeks later, on 6 August. A number of derogations are however foreseen, in particular for the Alpes-Maritimes and Pyrénées-Orientales, which result from 3 July to 13 August), Corsica (10 July-20 August), Guadeloupe (September 28-November 8), Martinique (3 October-13 November). At the Meeting, because of the southern hemisphere, the winter sale which will begin on 7 September.

This is probably the last time that the balances are lasting so long. The law “Covenant”, which was promulgated last week, plans to shorten them. For the future, says the law, an order will set dates and Bercy has already announced his intention to make it last four weeks.

Read our complete file

Electricity : the increase of 2.4% will apply to the February 1, Gas : 3% increase in regulated tariffs as at November 1, Why the cuts in the electricity or gas supply for unpaid multiply

fixed Telephone : give us your opinion !

And if we could keep her landline number when you move ? Arcep (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes) has opened a consultation on the subject, you have until June 7, 17h to express to you electronically (details here). Iidea : transform the geographic numbers (starting for example with 01 for the paris area, 03 in the North-East, etc) in numbers versatile in 2023.