Taxes, wages, bills, insurance… Who says new year says new rules that will affect your budget.

What is-what really changes on January 1 for your purchasing power ? Difficult not to become entangled brushes having regard to the number of announcements in recent months… in The end, the increase of the carbon tax, which had triggered the wrath of the yellow vests, has been cancelled. Among the other concessions made by the government in response to the motion : an increase of the premium of activity and the tax exemption of overtime (at the start, only one was provided for a waiver of employee contributions in the Budget in 2019, social Security, and only in September). On the first day of the year will also be marked by a big bang tax, which very nearly canceled in its final stretch – the application of the levy to the source. And many other new features.

withholding tax

It is from the month of January, that income tax will be deducted at the source, instead of being paid directly to the tax administration. This levy relates to wages, retirement pensions, unemployment benefits, etc, Its rate was sent to you by the inland revenue – it appears on the notice of tax received in the summer of 2018, as well as in your particular space of the site taxes. It will also appear on your payslip.

Independent and holders of land revenue will also be the subject of down payments, monthly or quarterly. An exception, however, concerned the employees home, to which the tax at source will apply only in 2020 (more explanations here).

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A concern with this novelty ? A non-premium number to be put in place from 1 January to respond to you, the 0809 401 401.

The Smic pass the bar of € 1500 gross

For this January 1, the government has chosen to apply the normal form for the revaluation of the minimum wage. Result : the gross hourly minimum wage goes from 9,88 to 10,03 €, an increase of 1.5 %. The amount of monthly gross income (on the basis of 35 hours a week) is thus 1521,22 €, against 1498,47 € in 2018, an increase of 22,75 €.

significant Increase of the premium of activity

Another measure designed to improve the purchasing power of low-income workers’: the increase of the premium of activity, perceived by the workers (employees, self-employed, civil servants) low-paid workers, provided that their household does not exceed the limits of resources set.

It requires an increase of 90 € of the maximum amount of the bonus the individual, the individual components of this complex premium activity. In practical terms, only the beneficiaries earning at least 80 % of the minimum wage will affect the entirety of this increase. If the latter enter into force as early as January, it will be seen that in early February by the households, the premium being paid each month in arrears.

Attention, the new beneficiaries must make their application before the 25 January to receive the bonus in early February.

the revaluation of The assistance will in addition, according to the government, an increase of 1.2 million in the number of welfare recipients.

overtime exempt

employees and employees performing additional hours will benefit also from exemption of contributions on these (CSG and CRDS are not affected), as well as a tax exemption (up to a certain limit, they will not, therefore, for the calculation of the tax on the income).

READ ALSO >> overtime exempt: how much would you earn more?

gas is down almost 2%

As the approximately 4.5 million households, you have kept the rate-regulated gas ? Average fares (excluding taxes) will acknowledge a decrease of 1.9%, after a decline of 2.4% on the 1st December last. In the detail, “this decline is 0.6% for those who use gas for cooking, 1.2% for those who have a dual-purpose cooking and hot water, and 2% for homes that heat up the gas,” said the Commission of energy regulation (CRE).


regulatory Commission of energy (CRE)

in Addition to the monthly movement of the pre-tax price of gas is regulated, the government returned to the 23.3% increase of the TICGN (one of the charges weighing on the natural gas bills of individuals), which was scheduled this January 1, and that relates to all gas consumers, regulated tariffs or not.

The stamps in red, green and grey 10% more expensive

on The 1st of January following, and are very similar to the price of the stamps, which undergo as last year, a sharp increase. The stamp is a red (priority, J+1) increases from 0.95 to 1.05 €, which is green (J+2, over 60% of shipments) of 0.80 to 0.88 €, gray (Ecopli, J+4) of 0.78 to 0.86 €. Increases of 10%. As for the registered letter, it costs in 2019 4,18 €, compared to 4.05 in 2018 (+ 3%). It is still possible to benefit from three cents reduction by buying line stamps and green and red, for the print yourself.

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insurance borrower more taxed

You intend to purchase a real estate loan in 2019 ? The insurance that you will need to get for this loan will cost slightly more expensive due to increased taxation voted in the framework of the Budget of 2019. Specifically, the guaranteed death will now be charged a fee of 9 % which it was previously exempt.

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The balances will still be six weeks

On Wednesday, 9 January, it is the date of the opening winter sale of 2019 in most of the departments. They will conclude six weeks later, on Tuesday 12 February. The sale period may, however, be changed from 2020, the project of the law “Covenant”, the consideration of which Parliament should resume after the holidays, with plans to reduce the period to four weeks.

bank charges-frozen

The rates of the banks will be frozen in 2019 at the request of the government, while they traditionally increases each year on 1 January. The economy to be expected, however, is limited, according to the comparator, which analyzed the rates of 70 banks representing about 60% of the French-banked. According to his calculations, “in 2019 the customers of these banks would have had to pay 195,20 € of bank charges, and thanks to the gel, they will pay that 194,30 €, a saving of 0.90 € for a profile, “traditional ” banking”.

The new self-employed

This year 2019 also brings a lot of novelties to self-employed persons : entrepreneurs will benefit from a year away from social Security contributions, micro-entrepreneurs will no longer have to pay the CFE (contribution foncière des enterprises) if their turnover is less than 5000€, and the independent will see the maximum duration of their maternity leave aligned with that of the employees.

Finally, the new entrepreneurs, those who initiate their activity from January 2019, will directly affiliated to the sickness insurance (general scheme). The entrepreneurs already in business, past 2018, the social Security for the self-employed following the removal of the RSI (Regime social des independents), there will be transferred in 2020.

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Retirement : many of the changes in 2019

Under-indexation of pensions, increase contributions, merger of schemes Agirc and Arrco, cancellation of the increase of the CSG for some : many changes related to retirement (affecting both active and retired) are finally in force 1 January.