SMES and ETI that wish to be part of the next international delegations of Nicole Bricq, are invited to manifest themselves. The ministry of foreign Trade launching Thursday 4 July a call for nominations for the upcoming official trips. Explanations.
This is a first. The ministry of foreign Trade, has just launched this Thursday, July 4 a vast call for candidates to offer for SMES and ETI share the future travel of the minister Nicole Bricq.
“in Order to open more of its delegation to SMES and ETI, the minister has decided to put online a form to allow companies that have a project in a country affected by one of its travel to apply for the accompany,” said the ministry in a press release.
Next destination: Burma
This call for applications for the next trip of Ms. Bricq, expected the 30 and 31 July in Burma .
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The goal, according to the ministry, is to encourage companies not included in the listings habitual by Ubifrance, or Bercy to take advantage of these movements for “present their offers to local authorities and to meet with the communities and business on-site”.
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Between 15 and 20 companies will be selected for the trip to Burma, has assured the ministry stating that nominations were open until the 15th of July.