In France, $ 54 million of life insurance contracts have been subscribed to by some 37 million savers. Why such an interest for this financial support ? For many, it is a safe and reliable way of placing money. But not only that.

according To the statistics of the French Federation of insurance (FFA), 54 million of life insurance contracts are outstanding, to about 37 million beneficiaries. Who says better ? Last February, the FFA surveyed (with Ipsos) investors. The French have an image flattering to the placement.

For 85 % of the holders of a contract, it is a good communication tool, to 81 %, it offers “guarantees in the face of the uncertainties of the future”, and for 79 %, it is a means of “reliable and safe place out of the money”. A rate that remains 65 % in the whole population.

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Why is insurance purchased life ? For 55 % of insured persons aged 35 to 59 years of age, preparing for retirement is the key element. In more than 60 years, the goal is for 64 % of them have a capital in case of dependency.

A produces transgenerational

not surprisingly, life insurance is prevalent in all age classes, with detention rates of 48 % among the under 35 years of age, 51% for 35-59 years, and up to 62 % in the range 60 years and older. All socio-professional categories were also put in orbit, with a peak of 61% among the executives and the pensioners, compared to 44% among manual workers.

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Two types of life insurance are worth more than a life Insurance : how to earn more life Insurance : what to do in the face of declining rates?

Last item, the tax, one of the pillars of the success of this investment. A majority of owners (66 %) reported that they would turn their backs on their contracts in the event of tax reform unfavourable.