
Windows Is Getting the sudo Command: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It

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The sudo command, widely revered in the Linux community, has now made its way to Windows 11. By enabling sudo in Windows 11’s settings, users can quickly run commands as an Administrator from the command line, bringing a new level of functionality to the operating system.

The sudo command is revered by Linux users for its ability to run tasks without having to start a new session as a different user, speeding up administrative tasks and maintaining security by not sharing administrative credentials. Now, Windows users can also benefit from this feature, joining the ranks of geek culture and embracing a new way to streamline command line operations.

Functionality wise, sudo doesn’t bring a whole lot to Windows that wasn’t possible already, but its introduction to the operating system adds a level of convenience and security for users. By enabling sudo, Windows users can perform actions as another user without logging into their account, grant users elevated access securely, and ensure that privilege escalation prompts are displayed when necessary.

At the moment, sudo is only available to Windows users running an Insider Preview of Windows 11. To enable sudo, users can open the Settings app, navigate to the For Developers page, and toggle “Enable sudo” to the on position. However, it’s important to note that Insider Preview releases may be unstable, so users should proceed with caution.

To configure the behavior of the sudo command, users can access the For Developers Settings page and customize how sudo operates. By typing “sudo” before a command in PowerShell or the Command Prompt, users can run commands as an administrator seamlessly, enhancing their Windows administrative tasks.

In conclusion, the introduction of the sudo command to Windows 11 brings a new level of functionality and convenience to users, allowing for quicker and more secure command line operations. By following the steps to enable and configure sudo, Windows users can streamline their administrative tasks and embrace a feature that has long been a staple in the Linux community.