The second vice president urges to move forward with the Trans Law, affirming that “it is an agreement and commitment of the Government”


The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has spoken out against the extension of the calculation of the regulatory base of pensions to 30 years as proposed by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, assuring that the measure would hinder access to retirement.

Speaking to the media at the International Book Fair in the Mexican city of Guadalajara, where he is visiting, he pointed out that extending the pension calculation period from 25 to 30 years is “a hardening of access to pensions.” that you can’t share.

“We are making changes in the labor market that advance the recovery of rights. This is not recovering rights, it is cutting rights. In this sense, our position is well known and we do not share it,” said the second vice president of the Government.

In this sense, Díaz recalled that for many years the calculation was made in eight years to later go to 15 years. Later, with Law 27/2011 approved by the Zapatero government –and which has not yet entered into force– the calculation of the regulatory base was extended to 25 years, according to the Minister of Labor.

However, he has made a call to “respect” the work that is being done at the social dialogue table, pointing out that some of the debates that are being carried out do have positive elements.

The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations has proposed this Monday to the social agents to progressively extend the pension calculation period to 30 years, but discarding the two worst years of contributions, which would mean that the pension would be calculated with the best 28 years. listing within a total period of 30 years, according to sources from José Luis Escrivá’s portfolio. This change would extend the computation period by five years, since it is currently calculated with the last 25 years of contributions.

Social Security has also raised at the social dialogue table an improvement in the treatment of contribution gaps for women, as well as for men whose contribution career has been reduced after having a child, in line with the operation of the gender gap plugin. The Ministry’s proposals also contemplate special treatment for the contribution gaps of the self-employed group.

The second vice president has urged to move forward with the Trans Law, stating that “it is an agreement and commitment of the Government” after the PSOE has not closed “any negotiation process” regarding the law, insisting on the need to give greater “legal security” for minors in the legislative text.

“Very clearly, in favor of the rights of trans people. And also, really, taking care of all the debates we have (…) We need to push this law forward, not for us, but for trans people,” Díaz said. when asked about the last obstacles to the processing of said law.

“I think that Spain is characterized by being an avant-garde country that defends all rights,” added the head of the Labor portfolio, recalling that a few months ago she presented a guide to the labor inclusion of LGTBIQ people with the general director of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

“It is a government agreement and we think about the rights of trans people. Therefore, yes to move forward and we also do it promptly,” Díaz added.