The Andalusian judicial bodies have so far recorded at least 153 sentence reductions derived from Organic Law 10/2022 on the comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom, given the unification of the crimes of abuse and aggression into a single type and the maxim that before a collision between two penal norms of different temporary validity, the most favorable sentence for the accused must be applied. As a result of such reductions, at least 15 releases weigh.

And it is that the figure, according to the information provided by the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA), fluctuates daily and weighs the absence of data from some of the criminal sections of the provincial courts.

Specifically, the Criminal Chamber of the TSJA itself recorded, as of February 27, five sentence reductions derived from the review of sentences in the Granada hearings (with a reduction of two and a half years, from 13 and a half years to eleven), Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga (Seventh section of Melilla) and Almería, in addition to one more reduction pending notification; being minors the victims of four of the cases.

In the Audiencia de Almería, as of March 3, there were 22 reductions, including four settled with excarcebation, the result of the review of 81 cases; while in the Audiencia de Cádiz there are 53 reductions that include six releases, in the Audiencia de Córdoba 15 sentence reductions and at least one release, after some 50 executory sentences have been reviewed; and in Granada there are 12 sentence reductions but no releases, as of March 3.

In Huelva, as of February 20, there are seven sentence reductions that include one release, after the ex officio review of at least 60 sentences, most of which did not meet the requirements for sentence alteration.

In the Jaén Court, three sentence reductions were recorded after receiving at least nine petitions for review, while the Malaga Court showed 26 sentence reductions with three releases, as of March 8, after some 40 cases had been reviewed; and in the Seville Court there are nine sentence reductions, within the framework of the review of more than 30 procedures, without any release being mediated at this hearing.