the It does what the state of Wyoming in the state. A last Friday, the 18th. January, presented the draft law provides for a comprehensive regulation for digital Assets. The Senate of the state of Wyoming should agree to the draft, would Bitcoin regulator be set with money.

21. January 2019BTC$3,527 were possible,78 -0.09%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin is money. What the reader of BTC-ECHO knew a long time ago, could arrive soon in the state of Wyoming in legal treatment. In accordance with the contents of the draft law SF0125 – Digital assets-existing law, the senators Nethercott, Driskill, Perkins and Rothfuss introduced last Friday, would BTC will receive the same regulatory treatment as the US Dollar. Wyoming should adopt the law, it would be a Bang.

according to The draft, all digital Assets in one of the following three categories, in order to ensure clarity in the legal treatment. Accordingly, the digital value systems can be either a “Digital Consumer Asset” (Utility Token), a “Digital Security” (Security Token, all tokens of the promises of Profit), or a “Virtual Currency” (medium of exchange, unit of account, store of Value).

Bitcoin is to money

Digital Token, the fall in the last category, received, therefore, the official Status of the money by means of. And that brings up some relevant implications.

So in Wyoming-based banks could offer, for example, quite legal custody solutions for BTC & co., which would be compliant with the requirements of the SEC. The operating business would not, however, limited only to the state, in the heart of the United States; because, in contrast to the so-called Trust Companies, banks in all 50 States of the United States of America may be to locate regardless of where the company is based.