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LONDON, April 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On April 10-11 in Graz, Austria, ISEC 2024 focused on how we can achieve energy sovereignty within a time horizon dictated by climate change and defined by politics .
As a boost for forward-thinking concepts, ISEC 2024 aimed to inspire innovative ideas for heat transformation in renewable energy systems and resource efficiency and facilitate a comprehensive exchange between research, industry and energy policy. Through ISEC 2024’s cooperation with international organizations UNIDO, IEA and REN21, all topics had an additional focus on developing and emerging countries.
Representatives of UNIDO, the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology of the Republic of Austria, the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, ORF, AEE INTEC, Fund for the Climate and Energy, and many other stakeholders in sustainability-related policies and companies shared opinions, data and solutions in areas such as the transformation of economic systems towards a sustainable circular economy, the complete elimination of fossil fuels, the implementation of sector coupling systems and energy storage. as well as the intelligent electrification of the energy supply.
In turn, BE OPEN used its participation in the conference to promote the results and ambition of the foundation’s five-year SDG-themed student competition program, which chooses to focus on a particular goal each year and until has now covered SDG 12, SDG11, SDG2, SDG7 and SDG13. The program aims to encourage the creation of innovative solutions by younger creatives, for a more prosperous and sustainable future.
“During the five years of our competition program,” explained Elena Baturina, founder of BE OPEN, “sustainable energy solutions have played an important role in achieving all the development goals that our competitions focused on. We are proud to be part of Austria’s formidable effort and commitment to achieve the ambitious objectives set by the UN SDG program, to be part of the solution that undoubtedly requires the creativity, knowledge, technology and financial resources of all. The humanity.”
BE OPEN is a global initiative to foster creativity and innovation. It is a cultural and social initiative supported by Austria-based philanthropist and businesswoman Elena Baturina. BE OPEN was created to harness the power of the creative brain through a system of conferences, competitions, exhibitions, master classes and cultural events.
Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2387223…
View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/la-conferencia-internacional-sobre-energia-sostenible-se-celebro-en-austria-con-el-apoyo-de-be-open-302117058.html