The Universitat de València (PCUV) expects to receive more than 4,000 visitors at the sixteenth edition of Expociència, its annual open day at the Science Park aimed at bringing science closer to society, according to the estimates of the academic institution.

The event, which will be held next Saturday, May 11, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., will offer a hundred activities designed for all audiences and related to science, technology and sustainability.

Showing the role of science and technology in making a sustainable world possible through dissemination and entertainment is the proposal that marks the sixteenth edition of Expociència, the open day of the Science Park of the University of Valencia (PCUV) .

Free of charge and aimed at family audiences, the celebration will take place at the facilities of the Science Park and the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSE), throughout the morning of Saturday, May 11, in an event that will display more than 100 activities for all audiences.

More than 800 people are involved in the organization, mostly research staff from the research institutes of the Universitat de València of the CSIC, from centers and departments of the academic institution and from professionals from the PCUV companies.

The public will be able to share experiences with great researchers, such as those who work at the European Space Agency or at CERN’s Large Particle Accelerator, or those who are dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity, energy efficiency and the environment.

“The event is a unique opportunity for social attraction and collaboration between the very diverse entities that make up the Science Park, with the dissemination of science to society as the backbone,” said Pedro Carrasco, director of the PCUV.

On the occasion of Expociencia, the University opens the doors of a new lactation room, located next to the assembly hall of the Capçalera building, which will be inaugurated this Friday by the vice-rector of Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies, Sylvia Martinez, and by the director of the Science Park, Pedro Carrasco.