Everyone, even the biggest skeptics of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, had positive opinions on the Blockchain technology that has the potential to change the world. But it’s been 10 years since the Blockchain technology has seen the light of the world, and yet we still have no real application for it.
Some will say that the main application area for the Blockchain, use as a payment system or as a store of value storage, as this is the technology that is based on the Bitcoin. But the Bitcoin Revolution was not just very global.
Other areas of application for the Blockchain have been tried, but have not prevailed. Examples of such applications are: as a decentralized trading platform, as a new currency, Smart contracts, data distribution, authenticity verification, and as a immutable Ledger.
The Bank-Revolution
As Bitcoin came out, and had promised to be a free, and faster way for the exchange of values, without a middle man, have to call people out that a Bank is Revolution, and that the centralized monetary arm to tremble like an aspen-leaf.
This Plan is, however, not risen, since the initial goal of freedom the greed is gone. The Bitcoin is lost his way to be a functioning currency, and with the help of its democratically empowered Community of the digital Gold.
The banking Revolution has died down a little, since the fees are increased, and transactions take longer. And, although the acceptance was the world getting bigger and bigger. Even the banks were more relaxed about your concern, to be of this digital currency exceeded.
is not used, so If the Blockchain to change the world of money – despite the fact that other Coins of this Ideal, contrary to still go with their own Blockchain, with Forks, or in some other way – what will you revolutionize?
No government monitoring
Blockchain, the self-proclaimed medium’s-eliminating technology that also takes the “pesky governments, the only there are to cheat, and the money of its citizens to take” targeted. At least that is the General opinion of the cryptographic Community.
The Problem is that even corrupt governments and their mindless tax regulations, and other forms of economic exploitation offer at least a certain degree of security. The Blockchain itself may be very secure, but it is not a dangerous place, if you understand this technology.
in Order to revolutionize so with the Blockchain technology, the control of the government over the private money, it must be very safe and not just technically proficient.
The Bank systems that are supported by the government, provide safety measures, such as, for example, guarantees by the FDIC, a state-owned company for the protection of Bank deposits, the reversibility of Bank Transfers, identity validation, Audit Standards and a System for investigation if something goes wrong. Bitcoin, in turn, each of the leaves themselves.
Hack attacks, like the one on Mt. Gox, Bitfinex, and recently on Coincheck show that the risk in the trading is without the Surveillance of the government is still very large. If this is a part of the Blockchain Revolution, that would be a terrifying world for the elderly, vulnerable people that would be exposed to an increased risk of being hacked and spammed.
Smart contracts
Smart contracts are an interesting phenomenon when it comes to Revolution. Its invention by the Russian Wunderkind Vitalik Buterin had eliminated the purpose of a world-wide computer network, the need for centralized third parties. This certainly sounds quite good for the modern world of today.
Smart But contracts still have a long way to go, since the idea is to have stumbled at the first hurdle. The DAO fiasco has proven that Smart contracts can still be outsmarted or that Smart contracts are sometimes “too smart for himself” and perhaps a human hand will need.
But there is in this aspect of the Blockchain is a promising prospect, because ICOs will continue to be organised and operating on the Basis of Smart contracts takes place on marginal way. ICOs blow up areas of the boundaries of the application, where the Blockchain can help, and it remains to be seen whether anything Significant can be changed in these sectors.
And the list goes on
There is no doubt that the Blockchain fits theoretically in every sector of modern life (including the above). One should not forget the original areas of application: an immutable Ledger, authenticity verification, sealed and unchangeable database, and other.
However it looks today, after almost 10 years since the creation of the Blockchain technology, as if there is no sector that this Ledger has taken on, and therefore its competitors as obsolete. The ideas are great, but the execution of this innovative technology is still too slow.