the Unregulated Bitcoin exchanges, a warning system for Security Token Offerings and Blockchain-agents, Malta. These include: a new catalogue from the USA that help users to bring new projects to Start. The Regulation Of Echo.

By Phillip Horch
8. April 2019BTC$5.182,57 0.59%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

regulation of fans will rejoice: There are new guidelines for issuing of new tokens. And otherwise has currencies in the past week, away from the turmoil in the Bitcoin price, has a lot of ground in the regulation of Crypto. The regulatory-ECHO.

problem: the majority of all Bitcoin exchanges

unregulated Who deals with the legal Status of the trading venues for crypto currencies, may have surprised the message: The majority of Bitcoin exchanges is unregulated. To confirm scientifically, the Start-up Coinfirm a study of 216 exchanges. They came to the conclusion that more than half of all trading platforms do not follow any clear legal guidelines.

Know Your Token,: alert system for Security Token Offerings (STO)

So already-described Problem is not coming soon trading platforms occurs, which devote themselves to STOs, there is now a warning system for those. Accordingly, it is to make a platform independent software solution as soon as possible, Venture Capital investments are legally secure. Completely finished although it is not yet. But there is hope.

Watch: Malta 14 VFA-agent, a

In the crypto – and tax-friendly Malta, there are now 14 new Blockchain agents. Thus, the admission of new Blockchain-Mature businesses and Start-ups in the future faster, to help applications to be completed. This is primarily the authorities to be relieved. And do in Malta.

US military adviser: terrorist Use of Bitcoin & co. currently limited to

And still a novelty, the die-hard Kryptonauten hardly come as a surprise is likely to: crypto-currencies have for terrorist organizations will be of only limited Use. Remember the Pseudonymity of Bitcoin: in fact, you can trace transactions on the publicly accessible Blockchain very well. ISIS & co. therefore prefer to tried-and-tested resources, the US think-tank RAND now, in a recent report.

launch of Ripple-ETP: SIX Swiss exchange lists another crypto-Exchange Traded Product

For Ripple Fans, the press, also, like to on the stock market, is not likely to spare the following message from a certain impact force: The SIX Swiss exchange lists an ETP for the crypto-currency, XRP. Thus, the trading venue, is expanding its Trading opportunities for crypto-Fans significantly. However, this is not the only exchange product for crypto-currencies in Switzerland. Keyword: HODL.

Security or Utility Token? FinTech Department, the SEC defines a framework for digital Assets before

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission around, not only since yesterday, with Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. The constant Back-and-Forth with a Bitcoin ETF, which was not always approved, is expected to speak for themselves. The paper tables stack on the spelling of the SEC-to make employees in the future, something small, decided by the authority, to design a framework for digital Assets. Who perform, therefore, intends, in the USA, a ICO or STO should take a look at it better in more detail.

world economic forum: More than 40 Central banks are experimenting with crypto-currencies,

New from Davos: According to a report by the world economic forum are currently experimenting with over 40 Central banks with crypto-currencies. That you are surprised less Ripple and Ethereum and forth, probably less. Rather, it is Central Bank money on the Basis of the Distributed Ledger technology.

wants to be On new Shores: Jamaica Stock Exchange’s STOs offer & rehearsing Bitcoin-trading

Who connects to Jamaica exclusively with Dreadlocks, Cannabis and Bob Marley sitting on his own prejudices. Rather, the Caribbean island state is also crypto-currencies, open to all. Accordingly, the exchange is planning to allow users in the future, the issuance of a Security Token.

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