Venezuela, Turkey, Iran, and Zimbabwe: these countries are all confronted with persistent economic crises. Do you suffer from high Inflation, so that the people who live in them, turn to increasingly crypto-currencies as a store of Value and medium of exchange. Their current problems are increased by the remote possibility that at some point in the future, a Hyper-bitcoin capitalization is to take place. In Bitcoin (or other Coin) could replace the Bolivar, Lira, Rial, and other struggling currencies, and perhaps even to the world’s dominant money are the form, as people like Steve Wozniak and Jack Dorsey is prophesied.

as encouraging As these developments are for Bitcoins reputation as a store of Value, it is unlikely, however, that the approaches of Turkish, Venezuelan and Zimbabwean citizens currencies and other Crypto-a direct precursor to the Daniel Krawisz’s article from the year 2014 with the title “Hyperbitcoisierung” outlined types of lump-sum acceptance of processes. Although it grows strikingly, the in the affected countries traded BTC volume in relation to the global volumes are not significant enough. The isolated attitude of most of these countries means that the acceptance could spread hardly to the outside.

on top of that, as long as global reserve currencies like the US Dollar, the Euro and the Japanese Yen is stable, the cryptographic-acceptance of stay, probably due to high Inflation in countries where the population has access to such currencies and not to mention Gold – is encouraged.


The Prime example of crisis-driven crypto-acceptance of Venezuela. The first report that Venezuelan contact in the direction of Bitcoin, in October, 2014 open to the public. According to Reuters, the Venezuelan of the capital controls that President Hugo Chávez in 2003, was imposed, to be pushed to crypto-currencies. This control made you unbearably difficult to come to the US-Dollar. Because already at that time in Venezuela Hyperinflation was underway (68.5 percent), started the Locals with the purchase and the Mining of Bitcoin, the lag at the beginning of October for the equivalent of 334,06 Euro, although it had fallen since the beginning of the year to around 49 percent.

While data on the actual number of individuals who have used Bitcoin to this time, are not available, as it says in the Reuters article that Venezuela “had already been enthusiasts of several hundred Bitcoin”. Coin Dance recorded, which is a little less vague, that, in the week from 12. December were traded 2014 625.573 Venezuelan Bolivar (VEF) on the local bitcoin Peer-to-Peer crypto-exchange against Bitcoin. These are about 86.000 euros, considering the exchange rate at the time. Also crypto compare a High for the year of 2014, (24. December). 553.633,30 VEF, of 76,000 Euro,show that the traded volumes were solid – especially for a Nation with a gross domestic product (GDP), equivalent to 415 billion euros. Nevertheless, they grew due to the economic pressure.

Since 2014, the situation has improved gradually. In the week to 17. December 2016, were trading Bitcoin, the value of a total of 527.945.763 VEF, which was due to Inflation of about 275 per cent in 2015, about EUR 91,000 to the the then conversion rates. This year had started people were involved in the Venezuelan crypto-Economics, to speak in favor of Bitcoin and other Kryptos as a real Alternative to Venezuelan and even US dollars. The founder of Bitcoin Venezuela Randy Brito explained to Cointelegraph in January 2016, that BTC “could be a real Savior of the Venezuelan economy”.

“The Bitcoin market in Venezuela is in fact large and growing fast. The Lack of exchanges is seemingly reasons remained unnoticed, since most of the Bitcoin-Miner within the country informally with people shops you can trust – mainly for privacy. You try to hide the source of their wealth before the Public”.

In connection with the fact that Bitcoin allows Venezuelans the resistance against a government that has robbed the people by an inflationary Regime, effectively of their wealth,brought him to be of increasing value in the course of the years 2015 and 2016, downloads. In fact, the local stock exchange Surbitcoin has declared to the Washington Post in March 2017, the number of the Bitcoin has increased users from around 450 in 2014 to 85,000 in 2016.

once Again those Numbers for a country with about 31.5 million inhabitants, is not massive, but the deteriorating Situation in Venezuela has led to the fact that they have only increased in 2017 and 2018. In the week up to the 24. June 2017 had achieved, according to the Coin Dance alone the VEF/BTC market on local bitcoins is the volume of 9.210.450.540 VEF. This sum was then equivalent to about 991.000 euros, while in the week from 30. December 2017, with a trading volume of 281.525.042.307 VEF on local bitcoins or to 2.43 million Euro, in accordance with the then-current black-market rates has been recorded.

This year, even with the advent of state-controlled and Oil-covered Cryptocurrency Petro, has seen the Bitcoin and crypto – currency use in General continues to experience strong growth. Reuters recently reported that no crypto exchange is with the Petro-and that no Venezuelan business accepts him currently, while Bitcoin and other continue to grow. If it is assumed that by the end of 2016 was traded the same amount of Bitcoin (to the value of approximately EUR 91,000 of about 85,000 users), there were in the week of 18. August 2018, as 673 Bitcoins against 27,28 trillion Venezuelan Bolivar were traded on local bitcoins, around 926.500 Bitcoins. The black-market rate (i.e., 1 VEF = 5.1 million Euro), which was still before the Venezuelan government devalued the Bolivar officially 95 per cent, this corresponded to about 3.96 million euros.

It is unclear to what extent the volume of trade will continue to grow, after the government devalued the Venezuelan Bolivar. However, the economic pressure that Venezuela is exposed to, has caused its population to accept Bitcoin, faster than other countries with comparable GDP. In new Zealand, and Romania, for example – two countries that the International monetary Fund (IMF) notes in relation to the gross domestic product on a par with Venezuela is the local bitcoins BTC market for 2013 to 875 per cent, or 2400 percent. In contrast, the local bitcoins BTC/VEF-to-market has grown since 2013 amazing 67.300%, wherein in the week to may 25. August were traded 536 Bitcoin. This clearly shows how strong Hyper-inflations may promote cryptocurrency acceptance. And since the IMF has predicted that Inflation could reach up to the end of 2018 1.000.000 per cent, is likely to be the thrust in the coming months even greater.

Not only Bitcoin has enjoyed the fruits of the economic disaster in Venezuela, also other crypto arrived currencies in the South American Nation. Since at least September 2016, the Venezuelans are avid users of Dash, its faster confirmation times and lower transaction fees to him as a means of payment, generally more convenient. Due to the active advertising of the Dash has operated his Coin under the Venezuelans to authorize as an Alternative to the Venezuelan Bolivar to Bitcoin to be popular, this is reportedly the most popular crypto-currency among local traders. At least according to the Dash itself, because from the company has said that more than 540 dealers in the country accept him now as a means of payment.


Iran is another country that has suffered in recent years under the US sanctions, and as in Venezuela also suffers from its national currency-the Rial (IRR) under a high Inflation, although the current Rate of 18 percent will come right up to the 82.766 percent in Venezuela.

it was Only in April of this year, the inflation rate of the Riyal was only 7.9 percent, but this rose to 9.7 percent, 13.7 percent and 18 percent respectively in may, June and July. Similar to Venezuela, the Iranian government responded to this steep increase, and announced in late July plans for a national crypto-currency, while the Iranian people had acted to this point in time, already crypto to the value of 2.15 billion euros, according to a report by Forbes in may. And, although the government had introduced in April, a ban on banks trading with crypto-currencies.

And in April and may, the IRR/BTC market at local bitcoins has seen a significant upswing. So the volume of this market increased from 7. and 28. July 109,1 percent of 9,467 billion IRR on 19,796 billion IRR (i.e., around 152,000 euros, according to black market exchange rates).

a country with A similar GDP, namely Thailand, by contrast, experienced only an increase of 27.6 percent from 12.2 million Thai Baht (THB) to 15.6 million THB in the same period. This is equivalent to 410,000 euros, which means that the BTC market in Thailand is in absolute terms larger. More importantly, it also does not mean that an inflation crisis alone is not enough, a widely-used cryptographic-acceptance of the night, as it is clear that the Iranian market for crypto is only small, but by the laws is obstructed, this is illegal. This was also due to the continuing popularity of Gold undermined, the is increased in the three months prior to June, up by 300 percent compared to the IRR it has also replaced according to Reports, the US Dollar on the local Iranian markets, such as Iran’s Gold and Jewelry Association said.


is another country that has its own economic problems, Zimbabwe. In 2009, it has abandoned its own national currency (the Zimbabwean Dollar), after it had introduced a trillion-Dollar-Note and after the currency had withstood 10 years of Hyperinflation. The Rate of this Hyperinflation fraud in July 2008, up to 231.000.000 percent.

Since then, the government has allowed the use of a variety of currencies – including US dollar, South African Rand and the Euro, but this drastic measure in turn brings problems, such as, for example, acute shortage of foreign cash. To combat this, has introduced the Zimbabwean government capital controls and the most recent in may of this year, as the Central Bank limited the amount of USD that people can withdraw at the ATM and out of the country to send 1,000 dollars.

in the face of such restrictions, Bitcoin has to rise by the end of 2017, a rate above the global average, the Zimbabwe Golix-stock exchange listed, with the rate doubled in November, even as the Locals tried to get a currency that was not controlled or restricted by the government. It was also in November, as Golix a quadrupling of its monthly transactions, celebrated around the time when the country was destabilized by a renewed dollar shortages, 50 percent Inflation – what influenced the new bonds, introduced by the government in November 2016 and a military coup. As a result, Golix was able to increase its monthly trading volume of about 860,000 euros, which was an impressive feat, when you consider that it is in the whole course of the year 2016, a total of 86.000 euros.


A similar picture was seen in the younger Turkish history. There, inflation problems have caused a similar – if not quite so dramatic swing in the direction of the crypto. These problems became acute, as the inflation rate of the Turkish Lira (TRY) continued to increase in October 2017 to 11.9 percent, as the country’s banks to high-risk levels in relation to private debts have reached, as foreign investors withdrew from the country, and as President Tayyip Erdogan refused, and in response, to raise interest rates.

Then the Turks are not oriented in the direction of crypto, although the volumes were substantially larger than in countries with a similar GDP began to level. For example, up to 4 were in the week. November 2017 41 Bitcoins on local bitcoins exchange against the Turkish Lira traded, while in Mexico – with a similar GDP, but an inflation rate of around 4.5 per cent – 38 Bitcoins against Mexican Pesos were traded. In other words, a relatively high Inflation of the crypto-acceptance can give a slight boost, but without Hyperinflation, it does not lead to a dramatic increase (e.g., 303 of Bitcoin in the week to 4. November against Venezuela’s Bolívar traded).

this year is threatened, however, at least in a Hyperinflation, since the Turkey was at the beginning of July in a burgeoning crisis, in which Inflation on a 15.39 per cent rise. So, the volume of the local bitcoin stock exchange rose between the beginning of July and beginning of August, to 131,9 percent, and the BTC trade volume in Turkish Lira between the 7. July and the 11. August rose from 327.295 on 759.026.

Between these two points in time, dropped the BTC price actually means of 5.742 Euro 5,290 Euro (-7,87%), that this increase is not on a strong bull market in Turkey dueis en. Similar Numbers of crypto compare that originate from the exchanges BTCTurk and local bitcoins show that it is on 10. August a Bitcoin trade value of 31,592,628 Turkish Lira gave an increase of 424.3 of percent compared to the 24-hour volume of 10. July corresponds to, this was 6.026.033 TRY.

Speaking of Turkish inflation crisis and its positive impact on the demand for crypto: The ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees explained on Twitter that Bitcoins current resistance increases due to the crypto market turmoil, his stock as a store of value, and made him a realistic Alternative to the Turkish Lira.

It seems that more and more Turks agree with him, considering that a survey of the ING Bank in June revealed that Turkey has the highest crypto-currency ownership rate in the world. Or better said, 15 countries, including the US, Australia, UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands. 18 percent of Turks have a crypto-currency, compared with 12 percent in Romania – the highest inflation rate among the 14 other countries and eight percent in the United States.

An inflation rate of around 15 percent is not enough, however, to the acceptance of crypto-currencies is far-reaching. This also is not, the process is a Hyper-bitcoin capitalization trigger. The absolute Numbers are, even if the TRY/BTC market has seen in recent weeks and months, growth is still relatively low, where the market is, according to crypto compare currently on place 16 of the largest for Bitcoin. This corresponds to a 24-hours-a volume of 226,09 BTC, which is equivalent to only 0.08 per cent of the total trading volume in a day, and only 0.48 percent, or 0.68 percent of the trading volume against the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen.

If the TRY/BTC Charts for local bitcoins look at also, is the recent inflation-related increase as compared to July-August is not so large, and will be provided by the trading volumes in Turkish Lira, as they were observed in April and the beginning of June, and especially during the onslaught by the end of 2017, in the shadows. And if you even TRY/BTC-Pay for the week up to 11. August for the week to 18. August compares – in the height of the crisis, and the Lira decreased by up to 10 percent – there is rather a decline than an increase. 759.026 TRY for the week to 11. August traded, while only 573.626 TRY in the seven days up to 18. August were traded.

In contrast to the in Venezuela and Zimbabwe, the visible growth of crypto suggests this lack of a pronounced upturn on the access to the US Dollar, in addition to other Fiat currencies and save. In contrast to Venezuela and Zimbabwe, has chosen the Turkish government, no capital controls, so that people can buy as much foreign currency, and sell as you want. As a result of Turkish investors and the Turkish people have started to buy US dollars and Gold, as evidenced by the fact that both have risen significantly against the Lira. And on the other hand, neither Bitcoin nor any other crypto-currency has recently experienced a great leap in trading volume, although the longer-term weakness of the Lira has helped Turkey has one of the highest crypto-ownership rates in the developed world.

Argentina, and reserve currencies,

The same story you see in Argentina. With 31.2 per cent, Argentina has economies currently the highest inflation rate of all medium-sized people – which the IMF classifies the 21st place in terms of GDP – and, as one could from such statistics include, therefore, crypto-currencies should have in the South American Nation a strong following.

Despite the early expectation that Argentina was ripe for Bitcoin acceptance, it seems that the population currently crypto currency is an impressive number. On the local bitcoin stock exchange, was the highest number of Argentine Pesos purchased Bitcoin in the year 2018 in a single week at 31, and in the week up to 7. July. And for comparison: Sweden is according to the IMF, on 23 of the largest GDP, but in the week until 7. July is still a lot more Bitcoin – 112 were traded, to be exact – against the Swedish Krona.

According to the crypto compare Argentina is the only place in 45 of the largest Bitcoin markets in the world (Sweden is on place 31), although the country has the sixth-highest inflation rate in the world. And as in Turkey, the predominant explanation for Argentina since 2015, no strict capital controls, as the new President Mauricio Macri picked up the controls that were implemented by his predecessor, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in 2011.

as a result, the Argentines have access to the US Dollar and other currencies, which bypasses the need for crypto-currencies as a store of Value.

However, Bitcoin is also without a recent leap in crypto-trade or property can still be felt in Argentina. It was not just that an Argentine Bank has recently begun to use Bitcoin for cross-border payments in lieu of the SWIFT network, but the country was also one of the first users of Bitcoin in the period between 2011 and 2015 – although there are capital controls. As Tom Jeffreys reported at the beginning of 2016, Bitcoin has already been accepted by 145 dealers solely in Buenos Aires (now he is accepted of 194), which means that the crypto-currency was only a memory, but also a payment method:

“For many, the practical, everyday applications of Bitcoin in a country like Argentina, are the first laboratory tests of a radical financial reform that could have an impact on the world economy.”

Dark scenarios

The lesson to be learned from all of the above examples, is this: Cryptocurrencies have a huge potential as an alternative means of payment and store of Value in financial crises. However, as long as the world’s reserve currencies like the US Dollar and the Euro to be stable and as long as people are an unstable Nation have access to such reserves, is likely to find any crypto-currency in this country a wide acceptance and use, at least not as a result of Inflation. Easier said: It wird no Hyper bitcoin capitalization, as long as the US Dollar remains strong.

As the Numbers of Coin Dance for the markets on local bitcoins, trading volumes in countries with very poor access to a reliable Fiat currency to the highest and rising the fastest. Consequently, it is not only Inflation, but also the lack of US Dollar and other foreign currencies, the mass acceptance of crypto-trade in one country.