the The International monetary Fund came at the time of his Malta visit, to the conclusion that the growing Blockchain technology could lead to risks. So be it, especially in the area of money laundering, the technology promoted under Bitcoin.

By Phillip Horch
On the 25. January 2019BTC$3.554,66 0.14%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

That Malta, because of its benevolent belongs to the Bitcoin-regulation is a popular refuge for Blockchain-companies in the fast-moving Blockchain Ecosystem is now a old hat. Finally, it is also the benevolent policies of Tax, which makes the small island for investors all over the world (and all of the caliber) so attractive. On discretion in the group of Islands between Sicily and the North coast of Africa very high value.

Growing Blockchain Ecosystem, leads to concerns among IMF

To the – and, above all, the growing Blockchain Ecosystem – to take a closer look under the magnifying glass of the United Nations, the International monetary Fund (IMF) to visit to. In their (apparently meticulous) studies the emissaries came to a not exactly groundbreaking result. The growing Blockchain-industry, as well as the Ecosystem, the the bring benevolent Bitcoin regulation, guarantor, significant risks. So, the IMF spoke of “significant risks” for the money system. This allows, among other things, to wash, on the island of money. The Maltese media, “Times of Malta reported”.

authorities have to be more careful

to avoid such unwanted side effects of (crypto-)currencies, called the special organization and finally decided to have a greater caution. The members of the IMF called on the government to ensure that appropriate guidelines are followed. It was even more concrete: the emissary demanded that even a 50-point Plan to implement. This provides for it to close significant gaps in the administrative system of security in the infrastructure of Malta. Furthermore, it is stated in the prompt:

“The increase in the number of supervised financial institutions, the rapid development of new products, the changing regulatory environment and the tightening of the labour market the Maltese financial services authority under considerable pressure.”

the Gender Gap

reduce closed this pressure is something that should worry the Maltese government to ensure that the appropriate Offices or functions (such as for the prevention of money laundering) to be filled with reasonable people. In order to ensure on the other hand, more inclusion, to ensure the government and the companies to integrate women and Older people in the labour market. That’s not a coincidence that Malta is still one of the countries in the EU with the largest Gender Gap. If a Closing of this gap, however, would change the mafia-like structures permissive control policy, it remains to be seen.