The Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merino, has praised the added value generated by the ICT sector in the Valencian industry and the commitment of the Generalitat to attract companies in this sector, with special attention to artificial intelligence ( IA), to the Valencian Community “to move towards a more solid economy” and consolidate an “innovative and competitive” economic model.

   Merino – who held these demonstrations during the inauguration of the Valencian Telecommunications Night – underlines that betting on companies linked to telecommunications “brings us closer to the economic model that the Consell aspires to: innovative, competitive, diversified and sustainable”, al while recognizing that the Valencian Community “is going to become a pole of technological innovation and a reference territory in new generation Data Centers, responsible for the Environment and aligned with the criteria of modern economies.”

   To achieve this purpose, the head of the Treasury details the action that the Valencian Government is carrying out to strengthen talent retention, attract investments, improve the administration’s relationship with citizens and companies, reinvent services and take a leap qualitative in terms of effectiveness. Regarding this last issue, Merino defines public-private collaboration between the administration and companies linked to the ICT sector as a “fundamental pillar.”

   As an example, Merino cites the Ministry of Health which, by implementing the use of ICT in management systems, has managed to improve healthcare, which has earned it one of the awards that are given annually in the celebration of this event, specifically, in the category of Public Administration Promoting ICT.

   In addition to this award, in the 26th edition of the Valencian Telecommunications Night organized by the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers of the Valencian Community, the Valencian Association of Telecommunications Engineers and the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of the Polytechnic University of València, together with the Generalitat and the Valencia City Council, personalities and companies whose projects or actions have been relevant to the sector have also been awarded.

   Specifically, the award was given to Paco Gavilán, president and CEO of Nunsys Group, who received the Outstanding Person in the Sector award; KIO Networks, which has obtained the award in the category of Relevant Company; Geomic Redes has been awarded in the Young Company category, and Álvaro Martín has received the award for Best Master’s Final Project (TFM) for ‘Satellite antennas for air traffic control systems’.