The Court of First Instance and Instruction number 5 of Ceuta has ordered this Thursday the entry into provisional prison for the crimes of murder and sexual assault for the detainee for killing the child of Ceuta, whose body was found lifeless a month ago in a embankment near your home.
According to sources from the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA), the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 5 of Ceuta, acting as a guard, has ordered the provisional detention, communicated and without bail of the arrested person, who has accepted their constitutional right not to testify in court.
Initially, he is being investigated for alleged crimes of murder and sexual assault on a minor under 16 years of age. The admission to prison has been agreed at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, adding to the request the private prosecution.
The man arrested for the violent death of eight-year-old Mohamed Abdeselam has only one judicial record after being sentenced by the Criminal Court number 2 to six months in prison for the crime of robbery with violence for events that occurred in The year 2013.
The rest of the antecedents would be police and not judicial, according to the aforementioned sources of the TSJ. The case, which is kept under summary secrecy, will be investigated by the Investigating Court number 6 of Ceuta as it was on duty when the events occurred.
The detainee went to court this Thursday after confessing the crime to National Police investigators. In addition to the conviction for robbery with violence, police sources have indicated that he has a history of sexual assault.
The detainee does not belong to the family environment of the eight-year-old boy Mohamed Abdeselam, whose lifeless body was found on December 19 near his home in the Loma Colmenar neighborhood.
The investigation has included in the last hours searches in the house of the detainee. Sources in the case add that the suspect in the crime participated in the past in social programs for people with disabilities.
The boy’s family reported him missing shortly after midnight from December 18 to 19, after the little boy went out to play with his friends at a sports court located just 100 meters from his home and did not return.
The little boy’s body was found early the next morning by several national police officers in some bushes. The autopsies that were performed on him revealed the existence of signs of violence in his body.