the In South Korea, calling for lawyers and more regulation. The BaFin is rampant, and in France you have to pay (perhaps) less taxes on crypto-profits. The most Important points in brief: the regulatory-Echo KW46.

By Phillip Horch
17. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

What has happened in the last week in terms of crypto-currencies and regulation? The most Important thing in the near future.

South Korean lawyer calls for crypto-laws

In South Korea, calls the lawyer’s chamber, a rapid-regulation of all crypto-currencies. To create the Blockchain-industry-in peace, in need of clear guidelines from the government. The lawyers criticized mainly: companies are in a legal vacuum. More on the situation in South Korea.

Bitcoin Trading: BaFin includes Crypto Capitals

Bitcoin CFDs trade without supervision? Not with the German Federal financial services Supervisory authority. You pushed the Finatex LTD from Aachen, it has a bar. Their trading platform www.crypto-capitals would henceforth offer no crypto CFDs more. Until further notice.

France: draft law to reduce the Bitcoin tax to 30 per cent before

Good news for crypto-Fans from France. There is a draft law, after crypto will be taxable profits in the future lower. All the 6.2 percentage points could save the French Bitcoin investors accordingly in the future. Details.

IMF: Christine Lagarde reacts to Bitcoin with Central Bank money

The were thickness of the messages in terms of regulation. According to the Head of the International monetary Fund, the Institute think about it, in the future, a digital Central Bank currency. This is an attempt to integrate the advantages of crypto-currencies into the financial system of the IMF.

According to the SWIFT-to the exclusion of Iran: the state of crypto currency?

could the state ensure it manages, also soon in Iran. Because, as it became known, takes SWIFT a wide variety of Iranian banks from the network. Thus, the Islamic Republic is excluded from the international payment traffic as much as possible. The solution is obvious: to circumvent the sanctions, a government crypto-currency.

Marshall Islands: President had to fun around the office banging

As she had wanted, almost too much. Because Hilda Heine, the President of the Marshall Islands is a strong supporter of the

“Sovereign”. This is a government crypto-currency to make the Islands against the US Dollar, regardless(he). Your use of the crypto-currency would cost you almost the office.

Details to the Blockchain-strategy of the Federal government

Since you have pleased almost: The Federal government comments on the Blockchain. And for that, you can publish the same implementation strategy with the promising name of “digital design“. Therein it is stated:

“We want to take advantage of the opportunities of digitization for our prosperity, and their risks are manageable. Every challenge that we identify, in the implementation strategy, with a concrete solution to the measure.“

And also for the regulation of crypto-currencies, the Federal government now has a Plan. You want to find on a European or even international level. Europe will take. Concrete? S is not’.