The Russian Sberbank sets up their plans for crypto-projects. As a reason, the largest financial institution in the country, called the lack of support from the Central Bank. Since it has no statutory regulations for trading crypto-currencies on the way, the Sberbank in the termination of your crypto-plans forced. These included originally, among other things, accounts in digital currencies.

From Polina Khubbeeva
31. May 2019BTC$8.431,00 -3.31%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Vice-President of the Russian Sberbank, the largest national financial institution, announced on 30. May the end of the crypto-plans of his company. With regard to the Russian news Agency tass Andrey Shemetov justified the decision by the Sberbank with the negative attitude of the Russian Central Bank against Bitcoin & co.

In a press conference Shemetov commented on the reasons behind the crypto-twilight at Sberbank:

In the field of crypto currencies, we have been waiting for legal regulations, which allow you to trade with crypto currencies. Since it looks at the Moment as the Regulatory bodies would be disposed towards the project rather negatively, we will choose the plans in respect of crypto-currencies to adjust.

Anti-crypto-trends in the Russian Central Bank?

the message from The crypto-to-end in Sberbank is part of a series of ambiguous developments in Russia in the crypto area. The Russian state Duma, i.e. the national Parliament, suspended repeatedly currencies decisions to Crypto. Finally, President Vladimir Putin expressed even impatient and it gave the Parliament an Ultimatum to the 1. July 2019 to adopt regulatory measures.

the Central Bank, the Bank of Russia sends mixed signals in terms of digital currencies. Recently, Bank Head Elvira Nabiullina of your strict Anti-crypto moved to Central-course and speculated on a possible gold cryptocurrencies covered for international compensation payments. The use of crypto-currencies in the domestic refuses to continue.

plans of Sberbank included crypto-portfolio

In June 2018 was announced by Sberbank and is the second largest Russian Bank, Alfa Bank, however, plans for special funds with cryptocurrencies. In the services of the crypto-adaptation of the financial institutions had six major crypto-currencies to include in their Portfolios. Accounts in digital currencies were planned.

With this innovative ambitions is now final. Although Russia established Recently, Regulatory Sandboxes for new technologies, are not able to crypto-below-adaptations without decisions of the Central Bank and state Duma forward.

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