the The SEC has postponed its decision on Bitcoin ETF from the house of Bitwise to Another. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission moves the decision to an exchange-traded Fund for BTC for an indefinite period of time. On the Bitcoin exchange rate has, however, little influence.

By Phillip Horch
15. May 2019BTC$7.939,00 -1.34%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It would be the Bitcoin exchange rate the final thrust in the direction of the moon miss: the approval of an exchange-traded Fund for the crypto-currency no 1. But as it looks currently, investors need to wait for such an authorisation. Because the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has postponed its decision on whether an authorisation or rejection (again).

In an official document, the US does not share the American securities authority that it approves the Bitwise Bitcoin ETF of the Trust currently. It is not the first Time that the SEC postponed their decision to a BTC ETF. The decision on the current Bitwise ETF adjourned by the authority from March to the current month. This should, theoretically, up to 16. May fall – with the current shift, the authority shall have now, however, an additional amount of time.

In this, the authority is open for comments and advice to the Public. So citizens have now for three weeks, at the SEC’s questions about the Bitcoin ETF to be submitted, then the authority has a further two weeks time to give reply. Only after the expiry of this period, the authority should come to a decision.

it is Possible to influence the Bitcoin rate

connected to The registration of an ETF’s with high hopes for the Bitcoin price. With an exchange-traded Fund, the common Narrative that suggests the SEC to the investors more security. This, in turn, should bring fresh capital into the crypto Ecosystem.

Because traditional investors, with the landing vehicles in the stock exchange market, with an Exchange-Traded Fund for crypto an opportunity to participate in the Bitcoin rate, without the need for the crypto-currency have currencies.

How you can track the current progress of the Bitcoin rate, however, seems to be the latest postponement to at least have no negative impact on the course of events.

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