“We will interpret the norm, understanding that there are certain behaviors that must always be punished,” he says.


The State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, has announced for next week the decree that will establish a single application criterion in the reviews of convictions for embezzlement, taking into account the entry into force of the reform of the Penal Code that reduces penalties when there is no profit motive, because “there are certain behaviors that must always be punished”, as well as public disorder.

García Ortiz made these statements to journalists after participating in the act of inauguration of the dean Ana María Sola Ibarra as the new Chief Prosecutor of the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Bizkaia at the headquarters of the Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV), in Bilbao.

The highest representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office has indicated that whenever there is a modification of the Criminal Code “a period of reflection opens on what will happen to the cases that have been punished under the previous CP arrangement, what will happen to those that are going to prosecuted and what will be the position of the Prosecutor’s Office”.

“The Prosecutor’s Office is one throughout the territory, we have to have a unified criteria and times are a bit fast, which makes us react through an instrument, such as the decree of the Attorney General, unifying those criteria on the new types of embezzlement “, has added.

In this sense, he has said that he hopes that, at the beginning of next week, a text may already be available to “offer all prosecutors that instrument of unification that will clarify, at least the position of the Prosecutor’s Office in this case” .

Álvaro García Ortiz does not know if there may be “reductions” in sentences for this crime and, in any case, has pointed out that the Prosecutor’s Office does not like this term because, in practice, “the criminal types are adapted to the new facts” and you see “if they fit or not”.

The Attorney General has assured that his vocation is that “there are no spaces for impunity”, in this case, in terms of crimes of embezzlement and public disorder, even though there are reforms and these have content. “We will interpret the norm, understanding that there are certain behaviors that must always be punished”, he concluded.