He will combine the powers with the position he occupies in the Robed Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court


The State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, has issued a decree granting his predecessor and current Chief Prosecutor of the Robed Prosecutor’s Office of the Dolores Delgado Supreme Court the functions of the Public Ministry in matters of Human Rights, which are similar to those of the future Democratic Memory Prosecutor’s Office, as reported by tax sources to Europa Press.

The sources consulted have indicated that the head of the Public Ministry has communicated this week to the Fiscal Council that he has signed said decree regarding Delgado because he considers that he has “extensive” knowledge of Human Rights. As they have specified, these functions are compatible with the position held by the former attorney general in the Supreme Court.

The same sources have indicated that the responsibility now assumed by Delgado was until now in the hands of the Technical Secretariat of the Public Ministry. And they have explained that these powers will become the responsibility of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Democratic Memory and Human Rights Chamber when it is created.

Voices within the Fiscal Council – a non-binding advisory body – have assured Europa Press that they consider that García Ortiz’s decision paves the way for Delgado to assume the leadership of the new specialized prosecutor’s office in the future.

The Democratic Memory Law –which entered into force last October– contemplates the creation of this Prosecutor’s Office that will be dedicated to investigating events that occurred during the Civil War and the Dictatorship, using international law and international treaties as a legal framework of reference. .

The State Attorney General will be in charge of designating –when the time comes– the person who will assume the leadership of the Democratic Memory Prosecutor’s Office and the prosecutors attached to said body.

García Ortiz has communicated his decision to grant the functions to Delgado for now within the framework of this week’s plenary session, in which the report of the Fiscal Council on the Royal Decree project by which the organic staff of the Public Ministry is expanded.

According to tax sources consulted, the opinion emphasizes the “insufficiency” of the projected expansion to cover the needs of the Public Ministry. The report ensures that the 70 posts do not respond to the creation of 70 judicial units, two Prosecutor’s Offices –one of them, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Democratic Memory Chamber– and 4 posts for prosecutors attached to the above, difference from those included in the Preamble of the Royal Decree.