The network will have delegates from all the Superior Courts of Justice and the National Court
The General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) has approved the creation of the Judicial Network of Experts in Emergency and Catastrophe Management, which will have delegates in all the Superior Courts of Justice and in the National Court to provide technical assistance in these situations to the government and judicial bodies that request it.
As explained by the governing body of the judges, the Network –in addition to providing technical assistance– will coordinate with the administrative authorities the organizational structure of the civil protection plan that is activated in cases of emergency. It will also help to prepare and update a register of contact details for disaster management available to the courts.
From the CGPJ they inform that there will also be a national coordinator of the Network, who will represent the Council in the National Technical Commission for Events with Multiple Victims and in the National Council of Civil Protection. In turn, it will direct the preparation of a record of judicial action in emergencies and catastrophes, guides and other tools intended to facilitate the performance of governmental and jurisdictional functions by members of the Judicial Career in these situations.
The creation of this Network was proposed to the CGPJ after holding the last edition of the course on judicial action in catastrophes with multiple victims, which is developed in collaboration with the Military Emergency Unit (UME).
On October 6, the Permanent Commission of the CGPJ approved the proposal for the creation of the Network and appointed a commission – integrated among others by the member of the CGPJ Juan Martínez Moya and the president of the TSJ of the Region of Murcia, Miguel Pasqual del Riquelme– in charge of drafting a Regulation, approved on the 12th, which establishes the system for appointing delegates, their geographical distribution and their functions.
Thus, the delegates will be appointed by the Permanent Commission of the Council, at the proposal of the Governing Chambers of the TSJ and the National Court, among members of the Judicial Career who are exercising jurisdictional functions and, preferably, who have at least five years of antiguaty. The nomination process will be launched in the coming weeks.
The 39 delegates –four in the TSJ of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla; three in the Supreme Court of Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha; two in each of the remaining TSJs and one in the National Court– will work for a period of four years, renewable for successive periods of four years as well.
The governing body of the judges recalls that emergencies and catastrophes can motivate the intervention, by legal imperative, of the judicial authority in order to purify the nature of the event and the possible responsibilities that may exist. you
Already in 2011, the CGPJ approved the Judicial Action Protocol for Cases of Major Catastrophes, which provides for the establishment of judicial crisis commissions and establishes operational measures to ensure proper coordination of judicial action with that corresponding to the competent administrative authorities.