the Biogas would be in the year 2030 to be able to contribute to the emission reduction of at least 1.5 to 2.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. It’s the equivalent of 3 to 5 per cent of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions by 2017, and around half of the greenhouse gas emissions from heavy trucks in Sweden in the same year. The Swedish biogas can, thus, contribute to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint.
Biogas is a renewable gas that can be recovered by anaerobic digestion of organic materials such as food waste and animal manure. The Biogas can be used as a fuel and substituting natural gas as a fuel or raw material in industry. Now, as soon as all of the households are offered to the separate collection of food waste, the aim is that the waste will be recycled in the best way possible, that is to say, that the food waste is converted into biogas and bio-fertilizer. A more clear example of what is known as the sustainable circular economy is hard to beat.
It is supported, in particular, the use of natural gas, by means of a tax exemption. This tax exemption covers all of the biogas is used in Sweden, irrespective of the country in which it was produced. In our neighbouring countries to be supported in the place, mainly the production of natural gas, and, not least, Denmark has invested heavily in this. Unfortunately, this is all in all to the Swedish biogas has a hard time standing out from the competition with imported natural gas, since imported gas, then, may be part of the two countries ‘ support. In the last few years has been biogasanvändningen in Sweden, thankfully, has gone up, but at the same time, domestic production has not increased. Many producers will testify, if they are going to get out of the situation to change.
Swedish biogas has a hard time standing out from the competition because of the imported gas to get to the part of the two countries ‘ support.
When the biogas replaces fossil fuel options such as petrol, diesel, or natural gas, the major climate benefits. However, the climate and the miljönyttor arise when the biogas is to be produced. For example, by reducing the methane emissions from animal manure, reduction of eutrophication and the increase in the reversal of the elements. The production of biogas also brings other benefits related to rural development, sustainable industrial policy and security of supply. More of a bio-fertilizer from the biogas production also allows for the expansion of the organic farming sector. Is turned on, the Swedish biogas production based on these production-related benefits will be lost.
at the same time, it is deemed to be the technical potential to produce around 15 TWh of biogas produced from the anaerobic digestion process, and at least an equal amount by the gasification of, for example, skogsrester, but that it would be detrimental to the protection of biodiversity.
in Sweden, the need to increase the pace of development in order to achieve our climate change goals. Specifically, this applies to the transport sector. Based on the current trends, estimates the environmental protection agency that the need for biofuels in the transport sector will have to increase from the current level of approximately 20 TWh to 40 TWh of energy, including biogas, can be a part of it. Biogas and other renewable gases can also replace the lion’s share of the fossil fuel, the gases of which are used in industry and for cogeneration of heat and power. In the course of last year, it was about nine TWh of energy in the industry, and two TWh of heat. When the shipping is going to ask if it will also use large amounts of biofuels, including biogas.
in Order to ensure the availability of bio-energy and exploit the benefits arising from the production of bio-gas is proposing Biogasmarknadsutredningen, the following specific objectives for the Swedish production of biogas:
• , Sweden in the year 2030 to produce 10 TWh of biogas. This would mean that the american production will be six times as large.
in Order to achieve these goals, suggests the inquiry as to skatteundantaget of the biogas is retained, and supplemented by the following:
1 < A gödselgaspremie of 40 öre/kWh of biogas.