The Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism has opened a new call for competitive aid aimed at professional associations and business and professional associations to carry out training actions in the field of disruptive innovation and Artificial Intelligence (AI), according to published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV). The deadline for submitting applications ends next June 25.

   The objective of this new public call, which has a maximum budget of 800,000 euros, is to encourage the development of programs related to digital transformation. In particular, it focuses on projects and training activities that promote R&D, as well as the incorporation of the different applications of AI and other related disruptive technologies such as Big Data, the use of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT, for example). its acronym in English) or blockchain, details from the department headed by Nuria Montes.

   These actions must also be allocated to the technical training of the group of professionals that make up the beneficiary entities, that is, professional associations, business associations and professional associations based in the Valencian Community.

   These programs and actions, whose duration must range between 4 and 50 hours, may be of a general nature, or they will provide specialized training around the specific technologies and services for their application through practical workshops, demonstrators or tests. of use.

   The total budget of each activity, which will have to be carried out before November 1, 2024, must be equal to or greater than 3,000 euros, of which the beneficiary entity may recover up to 90% of the cost via subsidy, with a maximum amount of 30,000 euros.

   To qualify for these incentives, professional associations and business and professional associations must have, before requesting aid, a specific training plan on disruptive technologies or accredit a general program that includes actions in this area.

   Entities may attend this call individually or jointly with other schools or associations of complementary fields. However, only one project that includes several training actions for each organization or group of entities will be admitted.

   In addition to the quality of the proposals, special value will be given to the co-organization between different entities, as well as whether they have technological institutes and universities for their delivery.