Recognizing and rewarding the activity of entrepreneurial and business initiatives based on their growth, innovative character, business strategy and contribution to the environment is the objective of the awards organized for the fifth consecutive year by the Network of Valencian Science Parks (rePCV), of which it forms Part of the Science Park of the University of Valencia (PCUV), entity that this year organizes the awards.

In this initiative –which has the support of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI)– companies interested in participating (they cannot do so if they have been awarded in previous editions) can send their application until June 9 through from the web.

This call has three modalities: Spin-off Award, Start-up Award and Business-University Collaboration Awards. In this fifth edition, each modality will have a winner and up to a maximum of two second prizes for each of them.

On an honorary basis, the awards will consist of diplomas of recognition, trophies and corporate videos, of which one prize will be awarded and up to a maximum of two second prizes for each modality.

The companies that obtain the prize in each of the three categories will have the right to request up to two tickets to Transfer 2024.

In addition, the organizing park of the fifth edition, corresponding to the PCUV, as an entity that will participate in the Valencia Digital Summit 2023, offers the awarded companies the possibility of participating in this international technological meeting.