The head of the Local Police denies the facts, for which the Prosecutor’s Office asks him for three years in prison


The deputy mayor of Pineda de Mar (Barcelona) Jordi Masnou and the deputy mayor Carmen Aragonés, both from the PSC, have accepted one year in prison and one year of disqualification for an alleged crime of coercion against a hotel in the municipality where they agents of the National Police stayed a few days before 1-O.

This Tuesday the first session of the trial began in section 6 of the Barcelona Court, and two of the three defendants have acknowledged the facts and have reached an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office, which initially asked them for three years in prison with disqualification from charge.

The third defendant, the head of the Local Police, Carles Santacreu, has not acknowledged the facts, for which reason the Prosecutor’s Office continues to ask him for three years in prison.

The prosecutor explains that, on the night of October 2, the three defendants allegedly entered the hotel, asked to see the manager and one of them told him that “if he didn’t throw the police out, he was going to close the hotel the next day for three or five years.”

A part of the National Police agents displaced to Catalonia on the occasion of 1-O stayed at that hotel since the end of September and with the forecast of being there at least until October 5: they were divided into two hotels of the same chain , with 268 and 228 police officers housed in each one.

The prosecutor assures that the lodging went on normally until the night of the 2nd, around 9:00 p.m., when “irregularly, without a scheduled appointment and, therefore, outside the official agenda”, the defendants appeared, together with a protest that brought together some 800 people, in the hotel where there were 268 agents.

The manager of the hotel chain explained that on the night of October 2 “there were many people in the hotel, a lot of trouble, and people from the City Council wanted to vacate the hotel.”

“They said that they couldn’t have so many people, and that we had to vacate the hotel. I told them that we couldn’t do it immediately, and they told me that we had to vacate it the next day,” he added.

When asked if they yelled at him – as he declared before the Investigating Court -, he explained that “the tone was not the most appropriate, at first it was calmer and it grew stronger.”

He has also assured that both he and the hotel manager signed a document saying that the City Council had “pressured” them to evict the police officers.

The director of the two hotels has assured that they received an “unscheduled visit” from the two councilors and the head of the Local Police, and that they met in his office and asked him to evict the policemen.