The Spanish Association of Scientists (AEC) has awarded the Plaque of Honor to Santiago García Cremades, professor in the Area of ??Statistics and Operational Research at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche (Alicante), in the category of dissemination of Science.

The presentation of this recognition took place at the ‘AEC Annual Dinner’, in the Auditorium of the University of Seville, as indicated by the Alicante academic institution in a statement.

In the session of the Governing Council, which was held on May 10, this concession was approved for the “very relevant” contributions in the dissemination of Mathematics in secondary and high school by the scientific disseminator Santiago García Cremades.

Likewise, his “leadership” was also mentioned in different national media outlets with large audiences on television and radio, which has made him a “reference” in Spain.

The ACE event, chaired by UMH professor Manuel Jordán, was attended by the vice chancellor of Students and Coordination of the UMH, José Juan López; as well as scientists and institutional representatives from the University of Seville, the Andalusian delegation of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and from different parts of Spain.

The Spanish Association of Scientists, founded in 1971, has awarded annually, for 24 years, these ‘AEC Honor Plates’ to researchers and science professionals, as well as to companies, associations and institutions that have stood out for their work. in favor of I D i in Spain.