
If the crisis is entering a new phase, the world is not out of...

"the second global wave of the disease could lead to new disruptions in economic activity", notably fears the organization. The crisis...

We miss out on the gossip at the office About talking to each other...

'Gossiping' at the office, it happens, but only a few now, a lot of people are working from home because of the...

A Crisis is a cause for reflection: it’s time for a new job?

Due to the coronacrisis most of us have more time to think about what they want to do their job. We had...

The highest number of new infections at five weeks

Recommend these queer movies and series the Total recorded 32 new infections in the course of Wednesday in the notification System for communicable...

Green light for leisure activities in Europe: ‘People in the books handle with care

holiday travel is allowed, since Monday, it is officially a part of the code is highlighted in orange by the authority for,...

The swiss taxation system will be able to transmit to Paris information on French...

The inland revenue, the French had requested information including the name, date of birth, address, current known or even on the balance...

Retirement : how to challenge the amount of his pension

Even if it is calculated, in principle, with accuracy, a retirement pension may be under-assessed. It is best to have it corrected...

Life insurance : what is the worth of the contracts Ebony and Redwood of...

Each year, the essay analyses the main life insurance contracts on the market. Here is our opinion on the contracts Redwood and...

Bethune: escaped from prison, he wants to return to… training

A young escapee from the prison of Meaux, which was not returned after a leave of absence, has decided to toquer to...



SEC Crypto Regulations: A Fresh Start

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is embarking on a fresh start in its relationship with the crypto industry, setting the stage for...

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