The Civil Guard has revealed to the judge of the National Court that is investigating José Luis Moreno for an alleged crime of fraud that RTVE awarded a contract to the television producer and filmmaker Santiago Segura for a value of 6.2 million euros that was never carried out due to the “lack of solvency and lack of experience” of the production company.
This is clear from a letter from last Monday, collected by Europa Press, and in which the agents focus on the contract signed in November 2017 between the public entity and the production companies Integral Mundox and Amiguetes Entertainment regarding the series ‘Here I command ‘and dot com’.
The investigators conclude that both the initial contract and the addendum to said contract were signed by Moreno, the last page of those documents being signed by the true representative of the Integral Mundox company: Raúl Pontvianne, who is also listed as being investigated in the case.
They also maintain “that the documentation provided by Integral Mundox to show its technical and artistic capacity was supposedly false, according to the verifications carried out by the investigators through open internet sources, and that therefore it lacked the necessary solvency to undertake this production”.
It was due to this lack of solvency when “RTVE director Fernando López Puig incorporated the Santiago Segura production company Amiguetes Entertainment into the production”. At this point, the agents allude to one of the notes found in Moreno’s diaries that read: “Close director and bite contract.”
The award of the contract would have been closed, explains the Civil Guard, “despite the negative votes and abstentions of some of the members of the Audiovisual Committee.” However, and “as expected, given the lack of solvency of the production company, as well as its lack of experience, since it was a company that had nothing to do with show business and had never carried out no production or recording, they failed to meet all the deadlines of the initial contract”, he points out.
In this line, they indicate that the addendum to it was not complied with and finally “they did not carry out the recording of any of the 26 contracted episodes.” This led to their “contract being terminated”, which RTVE communicated to Integral Mundox in November 2018.
The agents also echo the copy of the credit assignment deed granted by the aforementioned company to Semper Legis, empowered by Javier Villalba. In it, it was detailed that Semper Legis had given the former a loan of 2.5 million euros that was supposed to be assumed by RTVE.
The public entity, however, clarified to Villalba that RTVE had not “accepted” the aforementioned debt because there was no such credit with Integral Mundox.
The Civil Guard asserts that “it is unknown whether to carry out the claim for the credit of 2.5 million euros that Javier Villalba said that Integral Mundox had given him, he presented some type of invoice or supporting document.”
They “would need to know to find out if the production companies ever started recording the series or if, on the contrary, this contract with RTVE was used from the beginning to fraudulently obtain financing through of banking entities”.
All of this within the framework of this case, in which the National Court is investigating Moreno himself, among others, for an alleged crime of fraud. The investigators divide the alleged plot into two organizations: one led by Moreno, Antonio Aguilera and Antonio Salazar, dedicated since 2017 to “fraud and defrauding banks and private investors”, “the counterfeiting of bank effects such as checks and promissory notes” and to “money laundering”; and another, headed by Carlos Brambilla, an alleged drug trafficker who would have used said structure to launder money.
According to the judicial report, Moreno and Aguilera would be the “most responsible” and Salazar, the third in action. Each one would have a function. The producer, “as a well-known public figure, would lend his name as a calling card” in order to easily get the financing they would pretend to need to get a film project off the ground. Therefore, he “was the main recipient of the funds obtained.”
That money would then pass into the hands of Aguilera and Salazar. The two would have “extensive knowledge in banking and commercial operations”, so they would be in charge of creating the companies, “make-up” them, appoint administrators and present them to the banking entities as the recipients of the necessary financing for said projects. In reality, they would lack any activity.
Through this network of “shell companies” managed by alleged front men, both organizations would move “large amounts of cash” to which they tried to get out with income that they passed off as benefits from their commercial work or with cash injections for which they would have the complicity of bank employees who would take their commission in exchange for introducing this money into the legal circuit.