Trust in the increase in participation in areas that have traditionally voted to the left


The PSOE considers that it has cut off the transfer of votes that eluded the PP, after the pacts of the formation of Alberto Núñez Feijóo with Vox in various autonomous communities and town halls. The Socialists estimated this loss of votes at 9% compared to the last general elections of 2019, but they consider that it has stopped and that these voters are returning to the ranks of the PSOE.

According to sources from the PSOE leadership, they have detected this trend in the internal polls they have been conducting, for 10 days, that is, when the first of these pacts between PP and Vox was made public, in the Valencian Community. From there, others followed in the Balearic Islands and Aragon that have placed Vox leaders in the presidency of these autonomous parliaments.

In addition, Vox has achieved government responsibilities in 140 municipalities, after the May 28 elections, including five provincial capitals: Valladolid, Burgos, Guadalajara, Toledo and Ciudad Real, which will govern with the PP.

In this sense, they point out that they are already beginning to appreciate a mobilization of the progressive electorate, the result of the PP-Vox pacts, because people are beginning to realize the concrete consequences that these alliances entail.

Thus, they point out that the flight of votes to the PP stood at 9%, although they have already managed to stop this trend and turn it around, since their data shows that this percentage has begun to decline.

Hours after the agreement to govern in coalition in the Valencian Community was made public, the Government launched itself to criticize one of the points of the pact, the inclusion of the term ‘domestic violence’ instead of gender or sexist violence.

Faced with the controversy, Feijóo was forced to state that gender violence is an “inalienable principle” for the PP throughout Spain. However, in Ferraz they consider that these specific effects are already having an effect on citizens.

On the other hand, other PSOE sources indicate that the PSOE’s main objective for the July 23 elections is to get its electorate to mobilize.

They will try, therefore, that people who live in areas that have historically voted for leftist options turn out to vote in a much higher percentage than they did in the regional and municipal elections on May 28.

This Sunday, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, already advanced this idea, noting that the popular neighborhoods mobilize more in the general elections than in other appointments with the polls and predicted a greater participation than in 2019, between 73 and 76%. .

In this sense, the sources consulted indicate that the 28M saw a difference in mobilization of 20% in different points of the same cities, in favor of the areas that usually vote mostly to the right. That circumstance is what they want to turn around in Ferraz and what they cling to to achieve a positive result.

This Monday, when questioned about the latest polls that show a slight recovery of the left bloc, the Minister of Education and Vocational Training and spokesperson for the PSOE Pilar Alegría, was convinced that the PSOE is going to win the elections and indicated that They will use the electoral campaign to explain the policies that they have implemented throughout the legislature and also those that they want to consolidate in the coming years.