The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, has recognized that violence against women “continues to be a national drama” and has advocated, among other issues, to facilitate the adoption of new protocols and promote “best practices” in the courts, to that the judicial system be more efficient at the time of acting.

Meloni, who heads a tripartite right-wing coalition, has established “prevention, protection and the certainty of punishment” as pillars to combat male violence, against which he has repeatedly spoken out in a speech that contrasts with that of other European partners.

“This government is on the front line to combat violence against women and the terrible plague of femicide. We owe it to the many victims, often without justice, and to all those who are still forced to suffer this barbarity today,” he said. claimed on his Facebook account.

Meloni is the first woman to reach the head of the Government in Italy, something that she herself has claimed in her actions inside and outside the country. However, she has asked to keep the name of ‘president’ of the Council of Ministers, instead of using the same term in the feminine.