The Russian government has declared the environmental NGO the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the largest in the world, a “foreign agent” by accusing the group of using its environmental demands as a cover. to influence national politics.

“Under the pretext of activities to protect nature, the representatives of the fund tried to influence the decisions of the executive and legislative authorities of Russia, hindered the implementation of industrial and infrastructure projects,” according to the statement of the Russian Ministry of Justice collected by the RBC chain.

According to the note, “the fund also disseminated negative information about the decisions made by state bodies and their policies.”

Sources from the Russian subsidiary of the NGO have confirmed to the DPA agency that they intend to appeal this decision and, in an additional statement, the agency recalls that it has been working for more than three decades in the country and that all members of its board of directors are Russian citizens.

“The fund has been working for the benefit of Russian nature since 1994, in part thanks to the support of more than 1.5 million people who support us in the country. Our thanks go to them and our request that they continue with us in these such difficult times,” explained the NGO.