The approval of the discharge of the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has plummeted below 30 percent, to its lowest level, according to a new survey by the company Cadem published this Sunday.

The latest polls indicate that only 27 percent of those surveyed approve of the way in which Boric is conducting his government, collects the media ‘BioBioChile’.

These figures represent a drop of six percentage points in public opinion with respect to the survey published the previous week.

In addition, 65 percent of the people questioned have indicated that they disapprove of the Chilean leader’s management.

In this way, October becomes the worst month for the Chilean leader, who sees how disenchantment with his government has increased in recent months, even more so since the failed constitutional referendum.

When Boric took the reins of the Presidency of Chile, he had 50 percent support from the population and only 20 percent disapproved of the president, according to the same study.