Former Colombian President Iván Duque affirmed this Thursday that Pedro Castillo tried to break the institutional order during his tenure by announcing in December the dissolution of the Peruvian Congress and the establishment of an emergency government.

“One thing is the self-determination of the people and another is the self-determination of dictators or the self-determination of tyrants. What he tried was to break the institutional order,” Duque said during an interview for CNN.

Thus, the former president of Colombia has indicated that the Peruvian Constitution “is very clear” and that it details the situations in which elections can be called or how to act in the face of motions of censure.

“That is regulated in the Constitution. Here the Constitution was completely violated and a coup d’état was attempted,” Duque remarked before “celebrating (…) the rapid reaction of the Peruvian institutionality” and “of the entire hemisphere “for the Peruvian Justice to take care of the now former president of Peru.

Castillo is in jail after the Justice ruled 18 months of preventive detention against him after the announcement made on December 7 of the dissolution of Congress and the establishment of an emergency government. Since then, there have been numerous protests in the country, calling for the resignation of the current president, Dina Boluarte, and the calling of new elections.