The different parties of the Finnish parliamentary arch have transferred their unanimous support to Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Wednesday for the construction of a fence on the border with Russia.

The initiative has had the special support of the opposition forces, including the Center Party, the extreme right-wing Finns Party and the Christian Democrats, who have asked to accelerate as soon as possible a process whose cost will amount to hundreds of millions of euros .

Although the construction of the fence will take several years, the Border Guard hopes to begin the first works early next summer. According to estimates, it will cover approximately 10 to 20 percent of the common border, according to the Finnish public broadcaster Yle.

The government of the Social Democrat Sanna Marin has justified the need to erect this fence to control the possibility of an increase in illegal crossings through a border of some 1,340 kilometers, the longest among all the countries of the European Union.

At the end of September, Finland approved the closure of the borders to Russian tourists, in the midst of a migratory escalation derived from the partial mobilization announced days before by President Vladimir Putin, thus adding to the restrictions in this regard that the Baltic countries had already adopted before. and Poland.