The Peruvian Congress has once again rejected a proposal for early elections, leading to a new suspension of the plenary session, which postpones the debate on the call for elections in 2023 until this Friday.

With 48 votes in favor, 75 against and one abstention, the Andean Parliament has rejected the constitutional reform bill for the advancement of elections and the holding of a referendum for a Constituent Assembly, just as the formation would have proposed. the one that former president Pedro Castillo belonged to, Perú Libre, has reported the radio station RPP.

This vote was followed by a reconsideration presented by parliamentarian Flavio Cruz (Libre Peru), who also did not proceed with 47 votes in favor, 78 against and one abstention.

Prior to this, with 12 votes in favor, 113 against and 0 abstentions, the plenary session of Congress refused to vote separately on the advancement of the 2023 elections and the referendum for a Constituent Assembly provided for in the opinion of Peru Libre.

In addition, shortly after beginning the debate, the congressmen have dismissed another project on the advancement of elections presented by the deputies Alejandro Cavero and Adriana Tudela, of Avanza País, with 53 votes in favor, 70 against and two abstentions.

The text reflected the change of mandate of the representatives for July of this year, as well as a provision to hold a referendum for the convening of a Constituent Assembly, as reported by the aforementioned station.

The rejection of the three proposals comes one day after the Peruvian president, Dina Boluarte, announced that she was going to present a bill for the early calling of elections in view of the blockade of the Peruvian legislative chamber.

The legislative proposal, approved in the Council of Ministers, provides that the President of the Republic call general elections to elect the next head of State, as well as the congressmen, on October 8, 2023.

Peru is plunged into a deep political crisis after the removal of former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, who announced on December 7 the dissolution of the Andean Parliament and the establishment of an emergency government.

After the arrest of the former president, tens of thousands of people have come out to protest in various parts of the country to demand the resignation of Boluarte, the dissolution of Congress and the urgent call for presidential elections. More than 60 people have lost their lives in the riots between protesters and security forces.