The 49th Court of Control of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the Caracas Metropolitan Area has issued this Saturday an arrest warrant against the new board of directors of the National Assembly elected in 2015 and controlled by the opposition.

Specifically, mention is made of Dinorah Jaxilda Figuera Tovar –Primero Justicia–, elected president of the chamber, as well as Auristela del Valle de Castillo –Acción Democrática– and Marianela Fernández Alvarado –Un Nuevo Tiempo– as vice presidents, according to the Venezuelan news portal Últimas Noticias. Figuera lives in Spain and the other two political leaders also live outside of Venezuela.

The arrest warrant is issued “for his alleged responsibility in the crimes of usurpation of functions, treason against the homeland, criminal association and money laundering, by virtue of his participation in irregular acts related to the fictitious appointment of a Board of Directors of an alleged Illegitimate National Assembly, for the theft of Venezuelan assets abroad”, as explained by the Criminal Judicial Circuit of Caracas on its Twitter account.

The 2015 National Assembly has recently extended its mandate for the third consecutive year in the face of what they consider to be illegitimate elections promoted by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

In response, the 2015 Assembly has urged the community to raise its voice against “the ferocious onslaught of the Nicolás Maduro regime that is part of its systematic repression of democratic forces.”

The Unitary Platform, which brings together opposition parties, has also stressed that “the 2015 National Assembly is the legitimate institution that enjoys international recognition from important countries such as the United States, Germany, France, Canada, among others.”

Figuera recently declared that the opposition decided that the new board of directors should be outside the country “to guarantee the safety of the board of directors in the face of possible attacks by the regime,” according to the Efecto Cocuyo news portal, related to the opposition.