The president of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski, highlighted on Monday the efforts of the troops in terms of destroying kamikaze drones, claiming that “every Russian missile shot down is a life saved.”

“I thank all our Air Force fighters, anti-aircraft fighters and warriors who are involved in countering Russian attacks. Every Russian missile shot down and every drone destroyed is a life saved,” the president said in the daily video he has been making since the invasion of his country by Russian troops began.

Zelensky made reference to the attacks that took place this morning in the center of the country’s capital, an attack that caused the death of four people in a residential building.

“The world can and must stop this terror. When we talk about Ukraine’s need for air and missile defense, we are talking about real lives being taken by terrorists,” he said.

Despite the toll of casualties, Zelensky has stressed that his troops have managed to shoot down several dozen Iranian drones and cruise missiles.

“But to guarantee the protection of our skies and reduce the capabilities of Russian terrorists to zero, we need significantly more modern air defense systems,” he maintained in the face of negotiations with his allies.

The country’s leader also wanted to thank those involved in the recent prisoner exchange that took place this Monday between Moscow and kyiv.

“The more Russian prisoners we have, the sooner we can free our heroes,” Zelensky said.

On October 10 and 11, Russia intensified its attacks on several cities, including kyiv, but also Lviv, Zaporizhia, and Kharkov, in response to what Russian President Vladimir Putin described as a “terrorist attack” in relation to the destruction two days before of the Kerch bridge, which connects Russia with the Crimean peninsula.

The Ukrainian authorities made it known that the aforementioned bombings against residential buildings and infrastructure in the capital last week caused, in addition to the death of civilians, electrical problems.