In high-tech times, it is only logical, if also the own identity by digital means can be detected. As in all cases, when it comes to data security, it is here on the Blockchain back to access. The U.S. city of Dublin has embarked on such a path. In addition to the acceptable identity system, the city is trying, however, to a disturbing reward mechanism.
By Anton Livshits
20. September 2019BTC$10.167,95 2.87%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail
The small city of Dublin in the US state of Ohio is working on a block chain-based System for digital identities. The new solution is intended to give citizens control over their data and at the same time administrative tasks easier. In addition, the 40,000 inhabitants in the city, but plans a points system for the “community values” behavior. An exact launch date for the identity solution is not yet known, however, is soon to launch a Beta Phase.
Doug McCollough, the Chief Information Officer of the city, spoke with the news site Columbus underground about the reasons for the technological fix:
The processes by which a city is a measure of what your residents, could use an improvement. These mechanisms are not always an accurate representation of the majority opinion. A secure, anonymous, and responsible survey function will allow us to get down to the neighborhood level, Feedback, topics to which we might be interested in, such as a Directive or decision or a Design that we consider.
privacy is to be ensured
in addition to the McCollough described the survey function provides the planned System, a number of additional functions to facilitate the contact between citizens and authorities. So the citizens of Dublin should be able to use the System for elections, or Complaints. In addition, applications can be filled out on the System, annoying the Authorities would remain thus spared.
consider This from a regional IT companies from the Region have developed System to the privacy of citizens. Each Dublin gets an anonymous key, the decision about which data he wants to give the price, is entirely up to him. To ensure the authenticity of the survey or voting data to be stored all the information also on a separate Blockchain, on the Dublin city Council do not give access.
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The announced points system seems to be such promise of privacy but to resist. Because Dublin is planning to reward environmentally conscious, or otherwise committed Action of its citizens by means of a points mechanism. This “Dublin Points” could then be redeemed for city Merchandise. McCollough could imagine also that local companies are participating by discount actions on the points system. All of this may seem like a harmless mechanism to create incentives for socially acceptable behavior. The Dublin Points could turn out to be, however, also be considered a problematic instrument of control. Therefore, it is recommended to keep such developments in mind.
block chain-based identity solutions is on the rise
However, the development of block chain-based digital identities is progressing elsewhere. So the Spanish province of Catalonia with IdentiCat is also working on an identity solution based on the Blockchain. Similar to the one in Dublin, the Authorization concept is also in the foreground. The citizens are given more control over their data and using the Systems and digital services. The Catalan want to introduce IdentiCat in the year 2020. In addition, Swisscom Blockchain and NEO in Switzerland, operates on a decentralized identity solution. This should bear the name of Seraph ID, the Blockchain is the Foundation.
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