Ask the judge for the statement of the alleged perpetrator and witnesses to the attack


The Dignity and Justice Association (DyJ) has requested to appear in the investigation opened in the National Court for a possible crime of terrorism after the attack with a machete in Algeciras that left a sacristan murdered and several injured, including a priest.

The association filed a complaint on Thursday against Yassine K., to which Europa Press has had access, for an alleged crime of completed terrorist murder and a crime of attempted terrorist murder. In it, they ask the Central Court of Instruction Number 6 to exercise the popular accusation.

In addition, DyJ asks Judge Joaquín Gadea for the statement of the alleged perpetrator of the attack as being investigated, as well as that of “all the direct witnesses of the events who saw how the alleged terrorist yelled in Arabic and attacked the victims invoking the name of Allah.” .

In the order authorizing the search at the detainee’s home, collected by this news agency, the judge considers that the facts may constitute a crime of murder and injuries with a dangerous instrument for terrorist purposes, and relates the action to the jihadist Salafism when concluding that with it he intended to “disturb public peace by carrying out acts of terror, which could have motivated criminal action”. In addition, he decrees the secrecy of the proceedings for a period of one month.

Through a statement, the association has criticized that the Government is “treating the events as a normal murder” and that the Chief Executive, Pedro Sánchez, is “consciously hiding the terrorist dimension of the attack by calling it a simple ‘attack'”.

“This cover-up of information is reminiscent of what the Socialists criticized when the opposition accused the government of (José María) Aznar of lying after 11M,” said the president of DyJ, Daniel Portero, who has censured all concealment of interests “come on whoever it comes from.”

Portero, who emphasizes that the AN has opened investigative proceedings, considers that “this initiative should be enough for the Government to classify the event as a terrorist attack”, assuring that the attitude of Sánchez and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande- Marlaska, is an “affront to the victims.”

“Terrorism attacks the whole of society, it is a threat against a country; downplaying it is a disservice to the Spanish people, since it means turning our backs on a terrible reality that affects us all,” lamented Portero, who recalls the difference between the crime of terrorism and murder.

“A crime of terrorist murder is punishable by up to 40 years in prison, while a normal murder is between 15 and 25 years; civil liability for the first exceeds half a million euros, is assumed by the State and is exempt from any imposed for the victims, while that of the second will be determined by the regulations and in no case will the State assume it,” he explains.

The president of DyJ, in addition, also underlines the repercussion that the consideration of terrorism entails for the relatives of the deceased who would have, “among many others, the right to free legal assistance” or “aid for medical treatment and health care.”

“The relatives of a non-terrorist murder receive none of this,” remarks Portero, who also delves into the differences for the inmates themselves.

“A person convicted of normal murder can access the third degree with a quarter of the sentence served, while another who has been convicted of terrorism will need to have served at least half, have shown willingness to pay civil liability, good evolution, collaboration with the authority to solve other crimes and unequivocal signs of having abandoned the terrorist aims and means”, deepens Portero.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) also requested this Thursday from the aforementioned Court its appearance in the investigation. In addition, he contacted the Ministry of the Interior to offer him his psychological services, with a view to caring for the victims and those affected by the criminal action in several churches in Algeciras.

The magistrate will have to decide now if he decides the appearance of both AVT and DyJ.