The general secretary of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, has defended this Sunday the management of the socialist government as an example of “how things should be done when they come raw and hard”, and has urged the Andalusian Executive of the PP-A chaired by Juanma Moreno to “work a little” for the benefit of Andalusia.

This has been claimed by Juan Espadas during his speech at the presentation ceremony of Antonio Hurtado’s candidacy for Mayor of Córdoba that the PSOE held this Sunday in that Andalusian city, which was closed by the Deputy General Secretary of the PSOE and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and who has also had the interventions of the provincial secretary of the Cordovan PSOE, Rafi Crespín, and the socialist mayor himself.

The Secretary General of the PSOE-A has vindicated the work of the Government of Pedro Sánchez during this legislature marked by difficulties such as the Covid-19 pandemic, and has proclaimed that “this political cycle in our country will be studied in the faculties of Economics, and for many years it will be a reference in the history of the country on how things should be done when they come raw and hard”, and has asked the socialist militancy for “explanatory capacity and sufficient pedagogy so that the work carried out by the Executive is not undervalued” .

In this line, Espadas has defended the “unity and strength” of the socialists to build projects for the future and from social justice, opposing it to what was demonstrated, in his opinion, by Juanma Moreno at the head of the Junta de Andalucía, that ” He is neither there nor is he ever expected to carry out policies for social transformation, housing, equality or health”, as he has denounced.

The Andalusian socialist leader has warned that Moreno “cannot just be delighted that good things happen”, and must “push and not just write down what happens as something of his own”. “That he works a little and does his part, because he has resources and European funds to turn Andalusia into an economic engine, something that should not be a problem” if he is not someone “indolent who prefers his ‘book’ of photos and looking good, but that it has a very poor management balance”, as he has warned.

Juan Espadas has stressed that it has been a difficult four years and it is necessary to value “where each one has been at each moment”. “From the PSOE, they have fought coherently and loyally for unity to get out of the health, economic crisis and the current situation. The loyalty that distinguishes the socialists of the right, the difference between having a socialist government at the helm and of the PP, who managed the previous crisis”, he remarked.

In line with this, he has lamented that the right is created “with its own right to exercise power that, when the PSOE has it, is illegitimate.” For Espadas, in these four years the PSOE “not only won at the polls, but it has earned it, because it has been with the people, it has made the decisions it had to make.”

The socialist leader has defended that the hallmarks of this government “were clear at the beginning, and have been consolidated during the legislature”, and has asserted that “the PSOE is progress and progress and social commitment and justice in the redistribution of wealth, that has permeated all government actions during these years”.

Espadas has vindicated the work of the Government of Sánchez during the crisis as “the greatest political capital that the Socialists have, being able to show it to any neighbor”, and has assessed that it has been “with the majority, with the citizens, and not with the powers that be, those who believe that power is theirs while the rest of us are temporary tenants”, as he has stressed.